Everyone believes in something: religion, science, poetry, people, relationships. There is always something. And we must believe in it. Without beliefs, we have no drive to progress as human beings. Growing up with parents who wanted me to ask my own questions and find my own answers, I grew to understand the importance of being passionate about one's beliefs. Whether it is a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle, there is something out there to be passionate about. What's remarkable, though, is that the center of every religion is love. Every single one teaches us to treat others the way we would want to be treated. To care for others before ourselves. To be altruistic. Without love, there wouldn't be much in this world to live for. Love is the center of all humanity, and it should be. Love lives in the soul, which is the most selfless part of each of us. Our brains may house hatred, but our souls are home only to love.
In the deepest parts of us, I think we understand that we are all the same. We are all equals because we are all incognizant of who we really are. My dad once told me, "The truth, dear, is that we are all trying to unravel the mysteries that are ourselves." Because everything about this world, including ourselves, is a mystery, all we have is faith. There is so much unknown, so it is up to us to find something to believe in. And in my humble opinion, everyone has the right to believe whatever they choose.
Those who are not religious can still be spiritual. Answering to the innermost parts of ourselves is what spirituality is about. Not deities or scripture. It is about being connected with ourselves. Listening to what our spirit needs and following what sets it on fire. Everything in spirituality, though, revolves around love. Love of the self and love of others.
The most important thing in this world is to care for each other and to care for ourselves. It doesn't matter if we have differences of opinion because we are all the same human beings. We are all equal in the eyes of whichever God you believe in, and we should be equal in the eyes of each other. There is too much mystery in the world for us to fight over what each of us believes to be the "right religion." It isn't our job to judge another or demote their belief system. It is our job to love.
"Christian, Jew, Muslim, shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged." Jalal ad-Din Rumi
Whether it is devoting yourself to a religion or devoting yourself to the simple idea of spirituality, make sure to devote yourself first to love. Pledging yourself to the core of every belief system in the world will allow you to be at peace with the universe.