In college you will have the chance to meet people all over the world. In my college, I have made so many connections with these students. It is just so crazy that a person that has lived millions of miles away from me my whole life can become one my best friends. I would have never expected to have the same interests and the same bond with a person from another country. Many of my best friends in college are now from all over the world. These are the reasons why I love being friends with international students.
1. We teach each other.
It is so cool that you can teach people about your countries and they can teach you about their own. I just love taking my international friends all over my home and feeling like a tourist in my own country. They can also tell you all about their country and what they do their on a regular basis. You defiantly get a different take on the world around you.
2. You have a home all over the world.
With so many friends from different countries I can really go anywhere and have somewhere to stay that feels like home. Being in my best friend’s country will really make me feel like I am not far away from where I actually live. I just think that it is so cool that I can travel and not worry about where to stay and what to do because I will have someone to take me in and show me the best places and not feel like a tourist.
3. You learn to be more accepting.
The media portrays many countries in the world as bad and scary, but having friends from these places I now understand that these perceptions are wrong. Many people in these countries are nice and friendly, but we do not know that until we have friends from there and learn about them on firsthand account. I am now more accepting of other faiths, traditions and cultures because of my international friends.
4. I miss them when they are gone.
During breaks or when they just go home to their countries, I miss them so much. I am counting down the days till my friends come back, but now that we have Watsapp, Kik, Skype and other technology, we are able to still stay as close as ever. My friends may be hundreds of miles away, but I can still see them and it is like they are never really gone.
5. You find friends forever.
The love for all my many international friends is hard to put into worlds, but they are some of the best people that I have ever met. Even if we do not share the same religious beliefs, culture or even language, we all share one thing, which is our friendship. Having international friends is one of the best things you can do in college, so try it out and I promise that you will not regret your decision. And to all my international friends, I love you guys so much and cannot wait to experience your country as you have mine.