It seems as if almost the entire country is reeling from Tuesday's election as if someone very close to us has died a sudden and violent death. Donald Trump's presidential victory sparked national shock and disbelief. It seems as though we were all so sure that Hillary Clinton was going to win. This election truly showed just how divided our country is. No one really thought that someone who refused to condemn white supremacists who supported his campaign.
Trump did not win. His hate did. During his campaign, many of his policies targeted minorities and woman in negative ways. Some of his supporters have been reported victimizing people who appear different than they are. Much of that was stemmed from Trump instigating violence at his rallies and even offering to pay for legal fees if his supporters were jailed for their assault.
The number of race related, anti-Semitic and violent incidents have increased in the days following the election. According to USA Today, the Southern Poverty law center ha reported over 200 complaints of hate crimes on election day alone. A group of Black students at the University of Pennsylvania were added to a racist Groupme chat just three days after election day. The chat included violent threats directed at the Black students, racial slurs, and even a calendar invite for a daily lynching. The messages were sent by someone using the name "daddy Trump". The chat also referenced Trump's comments on grabbing women by the genitals.
It seems as though we are living in a time where our country's internal dysfunction is more threatening than any external force. In the aftermath, the election all we can do is try our best to promote love and not hate. Our country is a melting pot of all different types of people, and that is what makes us great.