Why I Love My Hometown: Perkasie, PA | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Love My Hometown: Perkasie, PA

There's no place like home.

Why I Love My Hometown: Perkasie, PA

Growing up in a small town was never a bad thing. I was exposed to so many traditions and familiar faces. It was only when I went away to college that I realized how great my hometown was. Everyone who lives here can probably agree with the reasons why I love my hometown, so for you readers who have no idea where Perkasie, PA is, take some time to read this article and you might understand just why we love it here.

Friday Night Lights

There is something so amazing about a cool fall night under big stadium lights. Friday nights are Pennridge football nights here in my hometown. Students, families and community members all come together to hear the band play, see the cheerleaders and dance team perform, and of course to watch our own hometown stars. I will never forget a 2012 game against North Penn, #45 Kyle Bigam, a senior, had caught a pass at the last second making a touchdown and the new score 21-28 Pennridge. The whole entire student section stormed the field in celebration.

The Perk

Since 1850, The Perk has been sitting on the corner of what we call today, Main and Walnut Street. It was first a hotel and now a restaurant. We have George Nacarella and Larry Nacarella to thank for its amazing food and great atmosphere today. If you don’t see most of the community in The Perk on “The Perk’s Famous Tuesday Cheesesteak Night,” you must be in the wrong place.

Homecoming Parade

Every year on a breezy fall night, the community comes together and lines 5th Street to watch the Homecoming Parade. The football players, band, cheerleaders, various clubs, Homecoming court and alumni get to be a part of this parade while children and community parents line the streets and wave. I was lucky to be a part of this parade twice, as a freshman cheerleader and senior year on homecoming court.

Second Street

"Take me out to the ballgame” is what comes to mind for some people while thinking about Perkasie’s second street. Countless little league and Pennridge High School baseball games are played here as well as summer league basketball. This park brings together a small-town community.

The Pennridge Airport

It wasn’t uncommon to be driving around Perkasie or outside for gym class and seeing sky divers parachuting from the sky. The Pennridge Airport offers skydiving via Skydive Philadelphia and even my own sister wanted her graduation present to be her jumping out of a plane over the high school!

The Olde Towne Tree Lighting

Since 1909, the town of Perkasie has had a tree lighting. It is the oldest tree lighting in the country, beating even New York City. Every first Saturday of December, thousands gather to enjoy live music, food, the mayor reading “T’was The Night Before Christmas,” Santa and of course the lighting of the huge tree in the center of town.

The Covered Bridges

A popular place to take prom pictures, but also the oldest bridge in Bucks County is the South Perk Covered Bridge. This historic wooden covered bridge was built in 1832, and is 93-feet-long ... In addition, there are two more bridges: Sheards Mill Covered Bridge build in 1873, ranging from 15 feet wide and 130 across, and on Blooming Glen Road stands the Mood’s Covered bridge that was once burned down. For years, these covered bridges have given the town historical style and beauty.

Community Day

This here in Perkasie is a day to celebrate our community. We are surrounded by our community members for activities, food, live music, community organizations and of course fireworks. There is tons of community spirit here and thanks to the local civil servants who make Perkasie safe. It’s an enjoyable day that is celebrated with the community for the community.

The Pennridge School District

Within our home town, we had an amazing school system consisting of 11 total schools, seven elementary schools, three middle schools, and one high school. The Pennridge district was founded in 1952 where it first had Sell-Perk High School, now known as South Middle School. Pennridge allows the community’s students to grow and learn in a helpful and fun environment, Pre K- 12th Grade.

Lenape Park

Perkasie’s community park offers a great outdoor escape for many people in the community. The park is along Perkiomen Creek in Perkasie. The park offers fishing, hiking, ball fields, a pool, picnic areas, volleyball, skateboarding, a dog park and more. This park is even a destination for Pennridge’s field trips.

Are you sold yet? Perkasie means so much to me and these are just a few of the things I love about living here. I am so lucky to have grown up in a town full of amazing things, and I am so lucky to have experienced what it's like to be a part of a community, a great school system and so many other things.

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