Even though I am in a dark place in my life, I still see some sunshine when I have her near me. Her beauty is a beauty that is rare; not even the most beautiful scenery in the world can compare. Maybe in a past life, I must've done right by God because now I have such a big blessing in my life. I promise to be there to pick her up when she is down. I promise to remind her of her beauty in not only her appearance but also her mind, a mind that I can learn so much from. She lets me be who I am, even if it makes her want to hide under her shirt.
Whenever I want to feel stress-free, I stare at her for a few minutes. It gives me enough strength to keep pushing ahead. When she feels like she has a lot on her plate such as school and work, I hug her from behind and I tell her I know that she can do it. As I am writing this, I just think back to the first time we met, that day I knew she was special. She is as priceless as time.
By her side, I continue to learn something every day. I have discovered what love is all about. I have learned that love is about not only trust but also communication. Communication is a major key in a serious relationship because without communication there are just a bunch of problems and they could be resolved, if talked out and handled accordingly. Trust is also big in a relationship; no relationship can survive long without it. I’d trust my girl enough to co-sign a loan for her… kidding... but I trust that she’ll be loyal until the end of our days.
Sometimes I tend to be very loud and crazy because it makes me feel like my day is getting better. When we are hanging out, I like making weird noises in public or love licking up on her just like a blow pop because she feels delightful to my taste buds. When we are in the car together and I look around and see a person I perhaps want to have a conversation with, I pull my window down and pop my head out the window to say something but she always covers my mouth. I usually do not actually have the intention of speaking to that stranger who is in the car beside me, but I love her trying to prevent me from talking to them. When she is driving, she is always making sure she has the window lock on so I do not go peeping my head out the window like some kind of curious black lab.
My girl truly brings me a whole new light in my life. She is my good luck charm because since I have met her, life is starting to feel like pure bliss. She will never go through the day without me reminding her how much she means to me. Whatever she needs, I am there to help and make sure she is okay. We both come from a different world and that is perfect because that means we can learn from each other and grow for the better.