I love makeup. I love going into Sephora and Ulta (I am a member of both stores) and looking at every product imaginable. I love brushes, eyeliners and BB creams and I think I must watch about 2 tutorials a day, marveling in the artistic work of beauty bloggers. I am always astounded at how beautiful these bloggers look by the end of their videos, and I long to have even a fraction of their skill. I know it sounds like I am hyping these bloggers up but if you actually watch them work you can see how much skill and passion goes into doing makeup. Now you must be thinking, “Tia must wear a ton of makeup everyday” but that’s the catch, I hardly wear any makeup at all. How could this be?
I think I may I have to partly blame my mom for this one. Children learn from their environment and in this case I never saw my mom put on makeup nor did I see makeup around me. Some girls who don’t see their mom put on makeup still use it daily once they discover it but that is not what happened with me. I was introduced to makeup in middle school and then again as a freshman in high school. Obviously those were times when everyone was fairly new to using makeup… aka it was a mess. After I graduated and went to college, I started watching beauty bloggers and discovered the magic. But even so, I still didn’t have a strong urge to put any of this same magic on my face.
On any given day the most makeup I have on my face is eyeliner. I love eyeliner but I love winged eyeliner even more. My issue is that it takes me a good five to ten minutes to apply it perfectly. Cutting it down to 5 minutes took years of q-tips, make up remover, and tears of frustration. And mind you 5 minutes (on a good day) to only put on eyeliner is a long time. I am a girl who loves sleep and I would rather get a few more minutes of sleep than wake up early to put my face on.
Makeup also feels very heavy on my face. I’ve tried liquid foundation, cream foundation, and powder foundation. I’ve also tried BB creams and CC creams but they leave my face feeling like a mask. I’ve even tried using concealer as a foundation but it didn’t have the same coverage. Another problem is that it is hard to find a foundation that matches my skin, though I probably wouldn’t like the feel of it on my face.
I will always love makeup, though not on myself. It takes someone with skill, and patience to use makeup. I would love to try out some of the things that I see but for now I’ll just stick to watching.