Senior year of high school was rough for me. I was faced with the tough decision as to where I should continue my education. Whatever decision I made was going to impact the rest of my life.
Do I go somewhere local, or go outside of my comfort zone?
Do I want a big school or a small school?
Do I want to be in a rural or urban setting?
Like many other seniors in high school, I had to answer all of these questions before choosing what college would be perfect for me.
After many tears, laughs, and jokes, I finally decided to choose Penn State. I didn't realize at the time how much I was going to have a love/hate relationship with it.
I love how beautiful campus is. I can't get enough of how pretty this place is. Whether I'm looking at Beaver Stadium on game day or Old Main in the snow, I can't help but stare at the beauty this campus has to offer.
I hate how beautiful campus is. It's just so beautiful that I never want to leave.
I love how much downtown State College has to offer. No matter what I may need, I can surely find it by simply taking a stroll down College Ave.
I hate how much downtown State College has to offer. I'm a broke college student. There are so many great places where I can shop or eat. By the end of the semester, I'm left broke. I have to ask my mom and dad for a few extra bucks to do a load of laundry and get a pack of ramen.
I love how many different classes Penn State offers. I can basically take a class in anything. Want to learn how to create a beautiful flower arrangement? Take HORT 352. Need to fill that GHA requirement? Try ballroom dancing or racquetball. If you browse the course catalog, you can find a class that will interest you and can fill an elective requirement.
I hate how many different classes Penn State offers. I only have 8 semesters to fit everything into. With so many different options, it makes it hard to just settle on a few electives that I really want to take.
I love THON. Our year long efforts to raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund is just one of the many ways that make Penn State students amazing. One day we will dance in celebration, until then we will dance for a cure.
I hate THON. It is actually impossible to use the words hate and THON in the same sentence.
I love Game Day. Football season is the best season in Happy Valley. Football Saturday's are filled with fun and games. I can tailgate with friends and family. I can dress in navy and white. And I can cheer on the best college football team in none other than Beaver Stadium.
I hate Game Day. I have to waste my Saturday having fun with my friends and family. Okay, so I don't hate it. Tailgating and watching football is just so fun, I wouldn't want to spend my Saturday any other way.
I love all of the Penn State pride. Everywhere I go, I can't help but bump into a Penn Stater. Whether it's on the beach or in the airport, Penn Staters are everywhere.
I hate all of the Penn State pride. There is just so much love in the Penn State family, I can't help but never feel alone.
Alright, so maybe there is no hate when it comes to my relationship with Penn State. I can't imagine being anywhere else. I love Penn State.