As a college kid, you think you have it all figured out. You feel like you are finally on top of the world and you have a purpose. Until a life changing moment could possibly happen...
Many people go through life with a so-called Plan A. What about a Plan B or C? Most would probably say they think their Plan A is going to be reliable and work out, but that is not always the case. Growing up, I learned that back-up plans are essential. You can never be too sure of what is going to happen next, and that is just life. Just because Plan A did not work out does not mean something better won't come along.
Being knocked down so many times trying to find ways to get back on top stronger than ever is not as easy as it is made out to be. I have been pushed down countless times by this thing we call Life. Since one thing came to an end, that does not mean the whole situation has come to an end. There will be many more future beginnings ahead of us.
Going into my freshmen year of college, I felt invincible. I was finally on my own and able to be free from rules and regulations at home. There was no better feeling than knowing you are your own boss. Then you actually get set to do the school part of college, and it becomes trickier. Searching for classes seemed like it would be the hardest part of college; however, no one told you that you're not only dealing with roommates but with the registrar, financial aid office, and professors. Don't get me wrong, looking for classes on the first day and gaining the courage to go to my first office hours with a professor was hard, but the financial aid office became my enemy. Financial aid is what helps you get through college, so why wouldn't you love them? The people were not my enemies, it was just the system.
My parents were divorced until my freshmen year of college, and then they got remarried, which is great until the combined income comes along. As soon as a school sees more money in the family, they are quick to not give you as much as you need. When a student is paying for college by themselves but they are still classified as a dependent, it gets hard for financial aid to give money to the student. If one student said they were paying for college even though they are classified as a dependent with no proof, then financial aid would be obligated to give all students extra money. Unfortunately, the system works the way it does, even if it is not in our favor.
Worrying constantly about how I was going to pay for college or if I could even go back evened out in the end. I spent countless nights trying to figure out a backup plan. I put so much stress on myself that ended up not being worth it. Once I was able to realize Plan A was not intended for me, I was already on Plan Triple Z.
College is supposed to be a fun time for people to explore and experience. Getting hung up on every single detail will kill the enjoyment. If I would have known this coming into college, I would have taken advantage of more things my freshman year. College goes by too fast to let a simple change in plan impact you. Smiling is a lot easier than stress.
Try not to worry what happens if Plan A does not work out, let Plan Z.