We all know there are dog people and cat people. While I am both of those types of people, there is always a soft spot in my heart for cats. Maybe it's because I'm a Leo, or maybe it's because my first pet was a cat. When they're first born, they are the most precious thing on this earth (besides human babies, sometimes). They are just so soft and their little meows are too cute. But as we know, they are famous for being sassy little things, which is really why I love them so much.
Cats are great because they are the epitome of of sass and cuddles. They love you on their time and meow at you if you make a loud noise. Cats symbolize anyone sassy, cuddly, or someone who knows what they want. Cats love you because you feed them, and you love it when they sit on your lap. But sometimes they break your heart when they won't love you when you need it.
Cats hate to be held against their will, which who isn't guilty of? They also really hate being hungry, therefore I'm pretty sure I am part cat because I get pretty hangry too. Sometimes you just don't have time for cat love and you just really want them to leave you alone but they of course want attention at that exact time. But God forbid when you want to love them they� end up biting you!
Cats are really some of the best (sometimes worse-littler box duh) pets to have. But if you need a companion and you don't want to really have time to give your full attention to a dog or hamster I suggest you get a cat. You just feed them, pet them once a month, and clean their littler box. Plus, they're soft and cute to look at and they do some weird things that make you laugh. So go adopt yourself a cat if you're in for a roller coaster ride!