Being a millennial in this day in age makes me feel like I’m in a weird on and off relationship with a boy. Literally, I either hate / love being a millennial there's really no in between for me. Sometimes I'll scroll through my Facebook feed and think is this seriously what our generation has come to...? Other times I look at all the progress our society has come along with things such as accepting the LGBT community and I'm grateful for being in the time period I am. Then I see these cute photos of couples in the 50s drinking milkshakes at the diner in their cute poodle skirts and think wow can that be me? It’s rough hearing about how chivalrous men used to be when I can’t even get a text back. So with all that being said here are the pros and cons of being an 18-year-old in the year of 2016.
Pros :
1. Technology
For a girl like me who can’t do math to save their life being able to go onto my smartphone and get the sum of a solution within seconds is pretty great. Also, I can keep up with all my local and national news at the touch of my fingers. It’s truly a gift to be able to have so much knowledge in the palm of my hands. Not only that but communication is so much easier, I can text anyone anywhere and get a response back within minutes. Another positive factor is all the technological advances in the health department. People are living much longer and new innovative medicines are being made every day.
2. Feminism
Women are on the rise. In my eyes, it’s no longer a man’s world. Although things aren’t perfect but women as a whole we have made great strides towards equality among the sexes. Women in America have progressed immensely since the 20th century. We can vote, hold high positions in the workforce, have a voice and much more. Although things still need to be worked on such as equal pay I couldn’t be more grateful to be in a time period where the needs/opinions of women matter more than ever.
3. Youth Has A Voice
My generation has the gift of technology as stated above. We can spread our ideas and thoughts with only the tap of a few buttons. Companies such as Odyssey give millennials the opportunity to speak their mind on topics adults often claim we don’t know about or we are too young to truly understand. Even though Donald Trump says he himself is going to make America change, I highly disagree. It’s the country as a whole and especially this generation that will make the changes needed.
4. It's OK To Be You
Wear purple hair. Don’t shave. Embrace your sexuality. In this generation, you can be whoever you want. Enough said.
1. Technology
Technology is also a major con of my generation. Young kids nowadays are exposed to things they shouldn’t know until their young adults. It’s mind blowing to seeing eight-year-olds running around with iPhones. I got my first smartphone in high school. Not only that but cell phone addiction is a huge problem plaguing my generation. People can’t put down their phones or hold face to face conversations anymore. Plus social media sets some hefty standards. Social media's definition of pretty is almost unattainable and creates this sense of failure for girls who aren’t able to look a certain way. Finally, I usually never see people building one another up via status, tweet, etc. I see negativity, judgement of others, and often time cyber bullying. Hiding behind a screen is comforting too many people.
2. Small Talk Is The New Deep Talk
Hey! - Wyd - Nothing - cool
Above is basically the normal conversation between two teens. There are very few people my age who like to engage in meaningful conversation anymore.
3. My Generation's Version Of Dating Is Complicated
Why do us girls find feel like when a guy texts back it’s the best thing since sliced bread? I see so many young women my age share how elated they are that their man doesn’t cheat, shouldn’t that just be expected? Why is having a side chick even a thing? Or even better question why do girls allow themselves to be a mistress? I ponder all these questions all the time. It really shouldn’t be a big deal if your man treats you with your respect or doesn’t entertain other women but my generation doesn’t understand the meaning of loyalty and true love. Also, what is up with this whole “talking phase”. The majority of teens around me don’t like leaving this phase because commitment...wait what’s that again? Dating in this time period is so confusing and complicated and exhausting. I don’t even get it myself.
4. Lack Of Respect
I have always strongly resented the kids in class who would go out of their way to torment the teacher. Being disrespectful is not cool or funny!