If you are struggling or confused about your sexuality, you are loved. If you don't know if you are part of the LGTBQ+ community or not, you are valid. If you are part of the LGTBQ+ community and you don't know what category you fall under that is 100% okay. Sexuality and gender is so fluid. Don't let anyone pressure you into labeling yourself if you are unsure or just simply don't want you. It's your journey, it's your life. Your sexuality is part of you, and someone telling you what your label is is driving you away from your true self. Coming out is easier for some and much harder for others due to societal standards and the way they were raised. If you think a family member or friend is in the closet and they never mentioned anything about their sexuality, don't ask. Don't pressure them to talk about it. Guess what, it is none of your business who your family member identifies as or is attracted to. All you can do is show them love, compassion and support. If you are in the closet, don't come out for your friends, don't come out for your family, come out for YOU. Come out whenever you are ready. And if you don't want to come out that's okay too. There is no rush. Unfortunately, there are people out there that are completely blind and ignorant when it comes to LGTBQ+ rights. If those people make you feel discouraged, I'm sorry. The best you can do is stand up for yourself if you have the energy to and surround yourself with allies and supportive people. At the end of the day you should love someone because they are a good person, not for their gender or sexuality. There is no excuse to treat someone in the LGTBQ+ community inferior. We are all humans, and we should be treated with respect and dignity always. Happy Pride Month to the beautiful LGTBQ+ community, you are beautiful, you are strong, you are needed, and you are loved. Love is love. Love always wins period.
CommunityJun 22, 2020
Love Has No Labels
Nobody should feel pressured to label themselves if they don't want to