College is a place where students find their true friends. Being an awkward high schooler, it was hard to break out of my shell to become the outgoing person that I am today. Within 8 short months, the community of the University of New Haven and my amazing friends have turned me into a person I'm definitely proud of. I felt that a thank you to some of the most important influences within my college experience was definitely necessary.
To my Boyfriend — Thank you for pushing me to be the best person that I can be. You have encouraged me, loved me and seen the very best in me since the very beginning. Whenever I'm down or upset, you always seem to know the right way to cheer me up and to make me smile. I have no idea where I would be without you here. Thanks for letting me talk in my Miranda Sings voice 24/7, sharing your food, convincing me to join greek life when I doubted myself, and creating thousands of memories that would take hours to list. Mostly, thanks for being such an amazing guy and for also not thinking I'm the weirdest person in the whole world.
To my Roommate — Thank you for staying up until 3 AM every single night to scream-sing songs, have some serious roommate-to-roommate talks, or eat every single item of food on our shelves. Being able to reference spongebob and any GIF imaginable is always guaranteed a five minute long laugh. Thanks for agreeing to put up with me for another whole year and for letting me steal all your plastic knives, plates and gum.
To My Big — Thank you for being the big sister that I never had. Its hard to imagine we only met a short three months ago because you have helped me through so much thus far. Big and Little definitely have a special bond, but I can not express how much fun it is to have our stupid conversations about things that barely make sense, making sure that I am okay even if it is 2 A.M., and going on five-hour car rides at night. (Sorry about all your gas). Thanks for being your weird self (don't be offended, I'm weird too), and for putting up your part of the deal by falling in love with One Tree Hill.
To All of my Sorority - Thank you to all 92 of you for putting up with me. I'm sure you guys are all sick of my dumb, daily posts in the GroupMe. Thank you for taking care of my beloved pet owl, Hoot. I know everyone loves seeing his occasional posts and to tease me by hiding him. I could never imagine making so many sisters and being able to connect with each of you so much. I know i made some life long friends/ sisters through this amazing organization. "Friends change, Sisters are eternal." I know that each one of you will impact even more throughout the future. Thanks for being yourself and being awesome. Y'all rock.
Nothing is better than knowing you have your own support group, especially when your parents and family aren't always there to pick you up when you fall. Thank you to each and every one of you for being my family away from home. I love you all.