The article I wrote last week was about why we should stop senselessly hating people, and I consider this article, about why we should love more openly, a companion to that article.
On my senior trip to New York City, our group visited the site of the Twin Towers to view the 9/11 Memorial, and as we were walking, we stopped at the closest fire station to the site of the 2001 tragedy. On a light pole outside this fire station, there were stickers (which can be seen in the cover photo of this article) that had "Amplify love. Dissipate Hate," written on them. I really took these words to heart.
When thinking about how we should "amplify love," I have realized that people all over this world refuse to show love for anyone outside their immediate family. But why not fill the world with as much positivity as we can? Why not make this world, that is filled with grief and sadness, into a place that everyone is happy to be?
Love is not something you run out of. It isn't something that you only get so much and when you run out, you're out of luck. If anything, love is a renewable resource. I like to think of it in a way that the more love you send out into the world, the more you get back. Like a multiplying boomerang.
Personally, I think we should love everyone. I realize that some people will refuse to do that, so I propose that we all attempt to show love for someone you usually wouldn't. For all you know, that person could use a little love. Think of it as a way to pay it forward, you show someone love somehow, even if it is just by smiling at them, and you could brighten their day. Then, they could pass that on to someone else. It doesn't cost anything to be a nice person.
Remember everyone, amplify love.