Before we get into this, I am in no way for either candidate. I am one person tired of the fighting and ignorance on both sides. It’s all over and we have to take each day as it comes. You may be elated at the result and you may be angry. Republican or democrat there are the extremist and the mellow. This is for everyone, but some points are aimed at the extremist. If you have respect for all people, you will get it back. No matter what you feel, words of hate and ignorance will not get this country anywhere.
To the Trump supporters, I know as well as you that not all of you truly believe the hateful comments that Trump has made. On the other hand, some of you do and that is what is not ok. Stop the hatful comments to the people who are upset or just simply voted for Clinton. I have seen one too many bias articles saying how Hillary supporters are calling Trump supporters racist and homophobes because they are uneducated. Yet, they come back with similar bias and uninformed insults about Clinton supporters. I am truly disappointed in the comments I am seeing on twitter and other social media about assaulting women and other groups in the name of Trump’s victory. It’s disgusting, shameful, and needs to stop. No, this is not every Trump supporter, but for the people who are saying this please think about what your words say about the person you are. What will employers think, what would your mother or daughter think, what would your minority friends think? Think before you say such hateful and derogatory things.
To Hillary supporters, we have to stop with the insults to all the Trump supporters. Not all of them are bigots, racists, homophobes, etc. There are many people who are just like you. They believed that Trump can help them live their best lives in this country. Calling Trump supporters over generalized names is just wrong. If you don’t want to be stereotyped, then don’t stereotype others. It is ok to be afraid of what is to come in the next 4 years, but I promise you it will not bad as bad as you think it will be. You have so many people willing to fight to protect you and rights you feel may be compromised. Surprisingly, some of those people may have even voted for Trump. Take a deep breath because what you are doing in the wake of the results is not productive. We can’t go back, the riots and protests aren’t going to solve much either. Stop threatening to leave this country because who will that help? You’ll leave and the same people who are the real racists and whatever else, will be the majority. We have to help make hate the minority.
To everyone, cut it the eff out. Stop the damn fighting. It is so simple to shut your mouth, but the fact that people need to tell you to have decency is a shame. People are happy and people are scared. If you’re happy, that’s great, but do not tell those upset to get over it. That is not how you would want it if the results were reversed. If you are upset, don’t bring people down to your level. Rise up and fight for what you believe in. I am not saying go riot. I am saying deal with the circumstances and protect what we can. If you are scared, it is ok. You’re fear is valid. Many things said in this election have been hateful and worthy of concern. The only thing we can all do is protect our rights and if compromised fight for what we believe in.
We need to remember the core value (singular) of this great country, FREEDOM. Trump is one man, but we are millions. We have to power to decide what our future is like. We can refuse to let him dictate out lives. We have to come together as a nation now more than ever. We the people, must defend our rights, protect our neighbors and family, and believe in the common good of all American citizens. We all thought selfishly, don’t deny it. We went in to the polls thinking who will do the best thing for me and my family. Well now it is time we think of each other. What is best for everyone around me and for the generations to come. A lot can happen in the next for years, but let it be growth and not decline.