Facebook, iMessenger, Twitter, Snapchat...
These are all commonly known as ways to communicate electronically. I don't know about you, but I have an account for every single social media database that is listed above. The scary part is, this has become the normal way for young adults to communicate with one another. I even find myself becoming more comfortable talking about important issues over text than having a face to face conversation.
What's even scarier to me is this is the first form of communication for couples. I've found that many couples flirt and talk through Facebook and Snapchat before they even meet in person. That to me sends red flags. What is our digital world thinking?
I remember listening to my parents when I was younger. Hearing where they grew up, what kinds of friends they met and dated in high school, and all of the adventures they went on. Now I'm stuck hearing about who "Super liked" my friend on Tinder.
I wish love was more like the movies. Meeting each other romantically in a bookstore or coffee shop will be a lot more fun to tell my kids twenty years from now. I'm just hoping my children will not be sucked into this digital love fest like I have. I remember I met one of my boyfriends over Facebook simply because I thought he was good looking.
The first "I love you" are said over messenger, and the first real said "feelings" are felt over Snapchat pictures. I can not stress enough how much this could ruin our society.
That's why I vow, now that I'm in college, I will focus on meeting people upfront and the rare old "face to face" instead of washing away all my feelings through text. Not only can text messages become misread, but it's easier for people to take advantage of who you are instead of the worth you could be showing to them in person. Texting does not define a person. You define you.
Love is a precious feeling that is only felt a few times in life. I really do believe that love is those heart to heart conversations you have with someone special, and the way that one person looks at you that completely changes your whole perception on the idea of love.
This is why I really hope our society changes the way that we understand love. Because loving someone, and thinking you love someone are two completely different things.
So please, save the savvy texts for when you really like somebody and you've been dating them for a while, because getting to know somebody before you pull the L card is the first step in a successful relationship.