Deciding which college to go to is difficult for many, and there are so many factors that come into play. One of the first things that comes to mind is distance from home. For some, the choice is obvious, but for a large group of us, the decision is not so black-and-white. For those in a relationship, this decision carries extra baggage. Facing this decision, I made the choice to move away from my hometown, leaving behind my family, friends, and cat. This also involved saying a temporary goodbye to one of the most important people in my life: my high school sweetheart.
When the date arrived at the end of the summer, I was a wreck. The goodbye wouldn’t be forever, but it sure seemed like it at the time. The reality of long distance is scary and painful. There are so many different forms of communication, but there is nothing that can compare to being in the warm embrace of the one that you love.
There are the nights when you've had the longest day and everything just seems to go wrong and all you want is to snuggle up next to the one you love and talk to them and get your mind off of everything that’s going on. But it’s always those nights that they’re either too busy with homework or work or socializing, and if you were just there this wouldn’t be an issue. But you're not there. As the year has gone on, it’s not necessarily that these days have become easier; rather, I had to learn how to cope over time. Every time I hug him goodbye, it still tears at my heart, even after spending the large majority of a year apart.
However, despite how difficult it is to have miles between yourself and your love, there are a few things that make this distance manageable. Without the following three, long distance would be way more difficult.
The ability to connect in this day and age continues to amaze me each day. There’s texting, video-chat, e-mail—you name it. Communication has never been easier, and this makes long distance relationships much easier to manage. While it’s not the same thing as receiving a hug on the hard days, hearing the sound of his or her voice at the end of the day does make things seem okay.
Nothing excites me more than countdowns—especially when I am counting down to coming home. No matter how wonderful college is, it’s so nice to come home for breaks and be able to spend time with your significant other, just like it was before, when you were both living at home. Whether it’s a long weekend or weeks during the winter, being home is always a reason to celebrate.
While the mail may be deemed “old fashioned,” I personally love walking to my mailbox and finding a letter from my boyfriend. There’s something about reading thoughtful, handwritten words that makes me incredibly happy. Never underestimate the value of the postal system.
So many people say that staying in a relationship through college, especially one separated by distance, isn’t worth it. I, however, disagree. Long distance relationships can last and, more importantly, continue to thrive. While I dislike the distance, I love the person I am dating. Love is enough to conquer every mile.