Anyone who knows me, knows I drink way too much coffee. Any chance I get, I will make my own or drive to go get some. Where am I before class? Getting coffee. Where am I after class? Getting coffee. How am I going to motivate myself to do my homework? With some coffee. My friends will see me at school and say, "Of course you have coffee".
I will admit, I am probably a caffeine addict by this point. There. I have taken the first step and have admitted that I have a problem. I love coffee way too much to stop drinking it and it has come to my realization that I may drink coffee more than I drink water. Crazy, right? I'll drink coffee so fast that you would think I was drinking water.
Coffee is just so tasty. I have my moods with it; sometimes I'll be daring and just go with straight black coffee and add a few packets of sugar. Most times, I'll add syrup and some milk and just go to town. I'm not really picky about my coffee. Even if the coffee tastes bitter or burnt, I am not going to have it be wasted, so you best believe I will still drink it and make the most out of it.
Have you ever seen those memes on Twitter where the body asks for water but it gets iced coffee instead? Yeah, I feel like that meme could have been made for me. Iced coffee is what runs through my veins and arteries. I am that girl that asks herself: "I've already had two large coffees; do I need another one?" as I am already waiting in line to get my third.
I run on caffeine; I work at two different coffee shops for crying out loud! I am a barista at GCBC on the campus of Grand Canyon University as well as a barista at Dutch Bros Coffee, so coffee really is my life. Besides my two jobs, I am a full-time student and spend a lot of my time doing extracurricular activities such as Pep Band so I definitely drink coffee to keep moving.
It has come to the point where I have a high tolerance for caffeine and I can drink a large coffee at 11:00 PM and be asleep by 11:45 PM. Caffeine doesn't keep me up at night anymore; I can sleep after consuming it. When I drink water, I literally hear my body singing and jumping for joy.
Now, let's talk prices. Last year while during the school year, my meal plan was $1,350 for both semesters giving me a total of $2,700 for the entire year. Each semester, I spent about $500 on coffee. So, out of $2,700, I spent approximately $1,000 on coffee alone. #Obsessed. Now, I spend a lot less but only because I get employee discounts! God bless those discounts.
My boyfriend asks me every day if I have had any water; he keeps track of me. He makes sure that I have water every day so thank God for him. He is the type of person who isn't really into drinking coffee or anything with caffeine except soda, so he tries to keep me balanced.
I am the girl who drinks a lot of coffee. I am the girl who tries to fit so many things into a little time frame of the day. I am the girl that likes to get hyped up and have fun. Most importantly, I am the girl who will always take care of her body no matter how bad her coffee addiction gets.
*Disclaimer: I actually drink a lot of water. I keep myself very hydrated so, for anyone who was worried about me from this article, there is nothing to worry about!