Being in a sorority has been one of the best decisions I made. I know that can be pretty typical from any sorority girl but just thinking about how I’m so close to graduation ive been reminiscing on when I first got my big and everything that she has done for me.
1. She listens to me go on and on
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I cannot tell you how many times I’ve gone to my big to just vent about how horrible one of my classes is or how this boy I’ve been talking to is being annoying (because all boys have been one time or another), or basically anything going on in my life.
2. She Encourages Me
There are always days when you don’t feel your best or in my case, has no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life, and my big has been there to encourage me through the hard times and I’m really thankful for that.
3. She Deals With My Drama
Every time I had something bad or dramatic going on in my life, she has seen me upset, crying my eyes out and has turned my mood around so well I honestly don’t know how she handles me sometimes.
4. She is Always Excited to See Me
Every time I go meet her for lunch or go to the house
for chapter meetings, etc. She always waves and comes over to say hi with a big
smile on her face and it’s nice to see after exhausting days.
5. We Have So Much In Common
From listening to the same bands to even living
nearby back at home, I know there is a reason we bonded instantly and it’s so
great to always have something to talk about with my big even if we haven’t seen
each other in a while.
6. She Helps Me Out
Sometimes she will pick up stuff at the house for me because she knows she will see me (mostly because we live only one apartment building away from each other), to paying for apple cider (it was only a dollar), to bringing a plunger over. She has helped me so much with the little things that have added up over time and I’m glad I can lean on her for help.
7. She's Helped Me Become An Amazing Big
I was so excited last year when I got my little and her helping me out and coaching me on things all “little” related has been amazing. I hoped to become as amazing as her to my little. (I hope I am)
These are just a few things out of many things she does for me and thinking about graduating and not being in my sorority is scary, but I know she will always be there for me through thick and thin and I just wanted to say thank you everything you have done for me because I look up to you so much!