It all started with Jane Fonda: those long, lean legs and that toned, tight "tushy." Sporting her irresistibly trendy leotard, with neon leg warmers, bright enough to blind a newborn. Whether she knew it or not, Fonda created a movement: The Athleisure Movement.
Nowadays, to not hear health centric remarks, ranging from organic, wellness, workout, and the like, you’d practically have to be living under a rock. A permanent lifestyle overhaul, for wellness, has become just as common for today’s society, as it once was to light up a cigarette. In case you are wondering, I too have hopped on the “athleisure treadmill.” Ever since sliding on my first pair of Lululemon leggings, I was ultimately sucked into the atheisure bubble. (And yes, I still have my very first pair)
Within this new, social norm, it has become acceptable to wear workout clothes to class, to the gym, out to lunch, and to work. Wait…. you can actually wear spandex to work too! The rise of ultra casual dress codes in workplaces is growing as quickly upwards as denim sales are tumbling downward, in record numbers. People are torching their suits for form fitting neon pants. Say what?!
Aside from the record number of sneakers being sold, and the astonishing shocks in sales for ultra trendy yoga pants, there are a plethora of other ways that society has been benefitting from the “boom.”
- An increased acknowledgement of prioritizing health and wellbeing. How embarrassing is it to be sporting a super cute yoga ensemble when you know you haven’t even been to the gym?! While wearing your fab outfit, you might be more motivated to go to the gym. (Maybe work harder at it too!)
- Versatility of clothing: Not only is it socially acceptable to go almost anywhere in casual clothing but, the athleisure gear is known to have pockets in the most convenient of places, while being made with the highest technology fabric available
- Total shift in consumer behavior: In coordination with the "overhaul", there has been an increased demand for wellness apps, fitness trackers, and the beloved spandex yoga pants
- Overhaul of the apparel industry: Fact- There are three times as many sneakers on the market as there are skinny jeans. From ultra high end, ranging all the way to low end, introduction of athletic apparel lines are rampant.
- An increased ability for the internet to aid health and wellness priorities: blogs, articles, apps and the like, have taken on an “ultra” focus geared toward fitness and nutrition.
- More “sights” to see: Of course, who could forget about the increased amount of "eye candy" on the street? Nobody is complaining about the influx of tight, toned "tushies" walking along the street. After all, I guess we can thank Jane Fonda for all our health-obsessed shenanigans anyway!