Walking through this maze-like world is an amazing trip, like picking up peculiar-looking stones or seeing fruit-bearing branches full of birds while finding the way home.
Shakespeare said, "Love is blind." As I was walking around the trail near the lake, I was pondering what it would be like if people loved as if they were blind. I am not as silly as to say people should love anything without thinking, but I do mean to love like when you are sitting in the dark and listening to a piece of music without opening your eyes: the sound of music would drown out the voices in your head and clarify the voice in your heart...
Faith is a gift in every beautiful heart who believes and follows the one who they have never seen by their eyes. The blessed are the ones who believe when they haven't seen yet. There is a story about a Romanian girl who lives in Italy, and she gets a part-time job there. Unbelievably, this girl goes into the forests and saves her "treasures"--those surviving animals from the hunters. She rents a rough yard to provide a temporary "home" for those lucky yet poor lives. Maybe many people cannot understand what she is striving for, but I do believe she has a beautiful "unseen" world in her heart, and she is doing a very meaningful job in her life journey.
Another girl insists on doing no harm to any tiny lives, including the stink bugs. One day she was sitting at a table with her friends, and suddenly a stink bug appeared on the desk near her left hand. As expected, she didn't kill it but instead reached her finger out to the bug! After a while, the bug "stood up" with its whole strength and tried to give its "right hand" to reach the girl's offering finger. That beautiful moment was deeply imprinted in the mind of a friend of mine who devotes her life to valuing anything beautiful and the "unseen" moments. Her name is "Ai" which means "love," so after hearing these stories, I decided to share this love with more people who believe what they believe, and protect what they value in this mysterious world.
Looking at the nature around us, God is embracing us every moment. Also, when we pick up the "one-chance" love from Him, we get the chance to walk with Him forever. "One-chance" love is without doubting and over-suspecting, but to catch the first chance to react while He speaks to our heart.
PS: Thank you, Stacie Morgan Beene, who helped me go through this article with grammar correcting, sentences revising and the friendship!