Anime are Japanese cartoon that ranges from the young to old consisting of different genres while Mangas are comic-like mangas, not to be confused my Comics. There are few Asian countries that have something similar to Manga and anime like Korea and China. The Chinese call their “Mangas” Manhua while Koreans calls their Manhwa. They differ as Mangas are read from right to left contrasting to Manhwa which is read right to left.
My first love for anime first started as a toddler where apart from the bear in the big blue house and The Mummy, my favorite shows were "Pokemon," "Dragon Ball Z," "Kenshin," "Hamtaro" and so on. However, as a toddler, I could not differentiate it from a cartoon but it was really interesting to me as my first love was probably an anime guy. As I got older and saw how the guys at my primary school started to crave and ran around like "Naruto" characters I started to hate anime not knowing my shows that I loved so much was anime. It was not until my first year of my all girls’ high school, my friend Kandice and I started to watch "Naruto" out of curiosity and liked it. We then started to feel bad about teasing the boys for their excess love for it.
Fast forward three years later, my soon-to-be boyfriend, now ex, got me to have a passionate love for anime again with "Katekyo Hitman Reborn." This anime was the reason I lost so many brain cells from my mom hitting me on my head to do something in the house or go to the supermarket as I could not pause for even a second. As I enter my rebellious stage with pause, this is what actually kept me grounded and at home (lol) as it made me feel somewhat complete making me forget my heavy loads that I still have up to this day.
Life for me was never easy, even as a toddler, but these animes made me happy. It allowed to me escape from the real world into a world with endless possibilities, life lessons, and fantasies. It was truly amazing and even allowed me as a toddler to have an over active imagination. Mangas and animes are probably the reason I can write articles articulately as in general I really despise writing on a whole. Behind each anime/manga, there is always a life lesson to be learned. Yes for real, animes does enhance the brain cells you have, unless you are me, where my mom made me lose what I gained. It also shows that life would never be easy but that drive and determination is what gets you places, not people. I am that type of person who will literally not get the message behind why my teacher, parents, family or friends will do and say to me. Well, guess what, if it is highlighted in the manga and I literally see the effects of the character's mistakes or actions, a light switch literally turns on in my brain.
Apart from the superheroic mangas/ animes and hentai, they are anime and mangas that consist of everyday life, my favorite being "Shoujo." I started reading those since late last year when my relationship was on the rocks. Some of these will literally want to tear you heart out as they are so sad or happy for example, the Manga for Vampire night is extremely sad. When my relationship did end and it was hard for me to adjust these cheered me up and made me understand few things about why my relationship failed after it officially failed. It made me realize how things could have turned out differently and made me understand more why he did what he did. In a whole it made me understand his personality type a bit more and how he protected me even by being a villain to toughen me so that others would not hurt me. These Mangas made me realize how many more things that my brain did not process fast enough and for that I am glad. I can actually move on and work on me as an individual and become more fruitful in my next love. I am nothing but grateful for finding these help guide me and help me become happy on a sad day.