Anyone who knows me knows how much I love animals. Now, I'm not someone to push my own views onto others and try to force you to become non-meat-eaters but just give me a second to explain why I am a vegetarian.
Ever since I was little I have always felt a special connection with animals. I would wait for birds to approach me and for dogs to wag their tails — giving me the OK to pet them — and of course, I would snuggle my cats I had at home.
My love for animals has always been there. And as I got older I was exposed to the harsh reality that those precious animals I love so much can be abused.
I have eaten meat a good majority of my life and I've loved it. But I didn't understand the fact that my love for animals interfered with this love for meat.
I began to watch documentaries and read articles about the meat industry and the brutal conditions animals were forced into. I was unaware of all of this for many years.
Watching the videos I would feel really bad about my meat consumption but about a day after viewing the animal abuse, I went right back to eating meat. I didn't understand why I couldn't just stop.
There was a time, though, where something in my mind and heart just shifted. I had viewed a video of a pig snuggling with his owner and a cow nuzzling her head into the farmer who raised her. This immediately brought me to an image of me cuddling with my cat.
I knew at that moment I could not eat meat and feel the same way I always did. I needed to make a change.
My mind finally made the connection that pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys etc. all have similar tendencies as a domesticated dog or cat. They have the mindset to form connections with their owners just like any other family companion. They are smart creatures that can feel both love and pain.
Making the transition to become a vegetarian was difficult at first. I knew I would be giving up certain tastes and textures but in the end, I can tell you it has definitely been worth it.
I have been a vegetarian for about two years now and I've never felt healthier. My body has more energy and gains healthy and organic nutrients every day.
Animals truly feel emotions just like humans do and I believe kindness towards them go a long way. My connection with them seems to have grown stronger.
These valuable beings pick up on the energy around them and react in the very way they are treated. They are born innocent and pure deserving only the highest form of love and care.
They are just like you and me but with fur or feathers.
The love I have for animals will never die and neither should they.
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