Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings you can ever have emotionally. It comes in many different forms. It can be losing a friend to suicide to losing a parent to old age. However, the most common thing someone will think about when they hear the word “heartbreak” is a break up. And I'm here to tell you what a blessing heartbreak, in this sense, can be.
Going through a break up is pretty awful, and if you haven't gone through one consider yourself lucky. For those of you who don't know, or don't remember, it is being physically sick. You have no desire to eat, you lose hair, and all you want to do is sleep- but you only have nightmares. It’s pretty crappy, if you ask me, to spend so much time with someone just to find out they never reciprocated your feelings. But don't get me wrong, this is by far not the worst thing in life.
People come into your life as a lesson or as a blessing. Regardless, you learn about yourself, which is such an important thing. You learn what you like and don't like, how you should and should not be treated, and how to love yourself as well as others after feeling completely shattered. It hurts, but you will love again.
When you love again it does not always have to be romantic. I personally remembered how much I loved my friends and when I realized that, I began to be happy again. Sometimes it's family members or maybe a new romance that teaches you to love fearlessly once more.
But when you do find a romantic love once again, it is overwhelming. In fact, you'll probably find someone who is better. Someone who wants to be in pictures with you or hold your hand in public. Someone who tells you how grateful they are for you everyday. You learn to trust again. You realize how you deserve to be treated.
So, who says a person can’t be both? They can walk into your life as a blessing and leave as a lesson. No matter how bad it feels at first, time really does heal everything. You learned from the relationship as well as learning how to be completely alone in a blink of an eye. So if you haven't had your heart broken, you are lucky. But if you have, consider yourself lucky too.