Each season has its perks, but none quite like the fall. The days where every step we take results in pounds of sweat falling off our bodies are long gone. It's time to relish the crisp, cool weather this time of year brings. It's time to turn off your air conditioners and to open your windows!
There's no denying that the weather is perhaps the most anticipated part of the fall, but honestly there are so many more great aspects. Let's take a look at what are some people favorite things about the fall season.
New Styles
Ah, the time to whip out your favorite sweaters and riding boots. This is the time to bust out your best and most fashionable attire. Men — we all know how much you love spandex and fall is the time when ladies are seen sporting it on the reg. Ladies — it’s now time to whip out your favorite over sized hoodies.
Cool Nights
Your sleeping experience is almost guaranteed to be better in the fall. Everyone knows how difficult it is to fall asleep when it is hot and muggy in your bedroom. Throw on your favorite sweats that you haven't seen since February and cuddle up underneath your comforter that you can finally take out of storage.
Fall Foliage
Everything is just that much prettier in the fall. Sure, snow is great to look at, but it's pretty damn inconvenient when you are walking to work. Summer may leave you nice and bronzed, but that doesn't stop you from dripping sweat after every place you venture to. The changing of the leaves creates beautiful scenery as you walk through most any city.
Seasonal Delicacies
Hot apple cider,Hot Tea, Hot Coco, Pumpkin Spice Lattés from Starbucks, and basically anything pumpkin flavored — enough said.
Lower Electricity Bills
Bills, bills and more bills — ain't nobody got time for that. In the fall, you more than likely aren't going to be racking up intense electricity bills since the need for AC is long gone.
Your Favorite TV Shows Are Back On The Air
The much anticipated season premieres of your favorite television programs are airing in the fall. It's time to put your Netflix account away, as the best shows are airing at this time.
Everyone loves a good excuse to get dressed up and to get obliterated. It doesn't matter how old you are, this holiday doesn't have an age limit. Plus, we all know you are looking forward to the 13 days of Halloween on ABC Family. #HocusPocus.
Labor Day And Columbus Day
Who doesn't like a good ol' three-day weekend in consecutive months? Get out of work free card, thank you very much.
No Shave November
Shaving, that annoying necessity that you can't afford to skip during the summer months, becomes more of an option in the fall. Ladies get to trade in their shorts for pants and men all love to participate in Novem-beard.
Bathing Suit Season Is Over
Cast your diets aside and relish in your favorite foods, as you can just cover yourself up with layers and layers of sweaters. No one will be able to notice the extra five pounds you gained since August and honestly no one cares because they are doing the exact same thing. I mean, come on now, you have 7 or 8 more months to get back in shape.
Another great excuse to get sh*tfaced in costume! Not like we need any more excuses to partake in such regular behavior, but this century old tradition has to be one of the most fun activities of the fall. Bring on the beer.
This is the one time of the year that everyone comes together with their families to celebrate in unison. Not everyone is fortunate enough to see their relatives multiple times a year, but Thanksgiving is a holiday that brings everyone back together again.
Warm Fires
Whether you are cozying up to a good book or a homemade meal, nothing is quite as serene as hanging by the fire. After a long day at work, this can be just what you need to put your mind at ease.
Honestly, everything is just that much better in Autumn wouldn't you agree!