love is not an exiting thing only if you make it. Love is a weird thing that no one understands. You only find love once in a lifetime. A lot of a time love makes you go insane, it makes you do weird things. Loves gives you heartache and it destroys you. Love cripples you into a hole of depression. It makes you want to crawl into a hole and the darkness swallows you. Have you ever felt the darkness swallow you whole. Love is thrown around like a dogs chew toy and then gets thrown away. Your heart is a chew toy and its gets messed with and ripped to shreds.
Have you ever been broken? I have been so many times. love is a mes and it is like it is out to get you. It is like love wants to snatch you up and rip you apart limb by limb until you cant feel anything anymore. That's how love is, its hard and its breaks you. But sometimes you find that person that makes you happy. And you should keep them forever.