Being from Louisiana has its pros and cons, with some of the pros being New Orleans, delicious food and parishes. Some of the cons being the weather (we've had a good dose of that lately), living in the same town that Duck Dynasty is filmed, the humidity, the mosquitoes and all of the stereotypes about what other people from different states think we are like. People who visit Louisiana usually only visit New Orleans, so that's what they assume the rest of Louisiana is like, but it's nowhere near that. New Orleans is almost like a whole separate world. So, I'm here to debunk all of those stereotypes and show all of y'all (yes, y'all is a word to the entire south- not just Louisiana) what it's really like to live in Louisiana.
1. No, I do not have a pet alligator nor have I ever wrestled one.
I do, however, own a hamster named Rhino. We have never wrestled, but I'm sure if we did, I would be the winner.
2. No, we do not all live in a swamp and get around in boats.
(I think the show, Swamp People, has played a big role in reinforcing the two previous ideas.) I live in a normal house with a normal yard within a normal neighborhood. The closest thing we have to a swamp here is Bayou DeSiard, which runs right by the country club and through fancy neighborhoods.There's only paddle boarding, fishing, tubing and skiing. No gator hunting here, guys. Sorry.
3. No, we do not all celebrate Mardi Gras.
Schools farther down south Louisiana usually get about a week off for Mardi Gras because they go all out. Whereas here, up north in Monroe, the college gets off for a few days. I don't think elementary and secondary schools even get that. Monroe has a Mardi Gras parade, but it's nothing compared to the New Orleans' one, and probably half the people that go to the one here don't truly know why it's celebrated.
4. Just like any other state, there are very well educated people along with some not-so-well-educated people.
We aren't all Cajun crazies and backwoods hillbillies down here.
5. Duck Dynasty is fake.
Gasp, the horror! Now, I don't know the Robertson's personally, and I'm sure they really are nice, Godly people, but Duck Dynasty is a television show. It's scripted and planned out. Do you not realize this? Oh, and we don't all walk around with the giant, bushy beards while wearing camouflage and bandannas
6. Everyone loves crawfish (not crayfish).
Wrong again. I was born and raised and still live in Louisiana, and just the thought of eating crawfish makes me sick. We eat normal food here, you know? We eat spaghetti, gumbo, casseroles, chicken noodle soup, pizza, etc.