This election is about to take chapters in the history textbooks. Both Democratic and Republican candidates want to become our next President, but it seems like they are both more focused on taking each other down first.
At least, that is what the media allows us access to. Although there are many things I could say about our candidates, the truth is, we have to deal with it. As the American people, we need to look deeper into these politicians. We cannot rely on the media to give us all the insight and shape our perspective. Our choices may not be the best, but there is no getting around it. It is time to stop bashing each other, and it is time to become prepared to helped the Republic.
So yes, I could write my article about Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and the fate of our nation. But I think it's more important to me to write about us, the people. How we have lost sight of morality and humanity. We take every opportunity, every advantage, to make sure that the people who support the candidate that we don't want to win know everything. Everything terrible about them, everything terrible that they will do to our country. Why we can't trust them and their administration. We make sure that everyone knows we don't support them.
One thing that I find discouraging about the whole election is the fact that us, the democracy of the American people, have allowed losing sight of what the foundation of our country was based on. We have forgotten that our government was created as a democracy in order to help protect us and run smoothly. We have forgotten that whoever holds office, whether it is president or some government official, is elected by OUR people to serve our needs as a country. Regardless of who that, or those, representatives are, WE elected them because of the best interest of the good-being and the future of our country.
It's hard to truly believe this, hard to truly trust that whoever is put in office will do what they believe will help serve and protect the Republic. But the only reason why we are having such a hard time trusting each other is because we are too busy constantly bashing and tearing each other down to pull ourselves together and realize that we are not always going to get what we want. However, regardless of what happens outside of our control, within government and how people react, don't you think that it is time to start supporting each other as humans, as Americans? We aren't always going to want the same people representing our country, and there are reasons, facts, proof, everything in our power to support that. However, we need to get over our pride as individuals and realize that we are supposed to working by the people, for the people. There is no "I" in people. In order for this election and essentially anything following it, to not turn into chaos, we need to support each other. We must find a way to work together to ensure that we aren't creating any more war with each other before we worry about starting a war with other countries. It's as simple as that. We need to learn how to respect each other, our views, and beliefs, because if we don't we will truly fall apart as a nation. I have so much love for this country, for the people, but it is so important that if we want to survive as a democracy we must change the way we approach each other's views.
Be the change you want to be in order to help our country.