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A Lost Art

My smart friend said “People don't read poetry. People watch Netflix.” I thought yeah.. people suck.

A Lost Art

Poetry has been left in the dark, to starve and whither with the passing of time. It's the red headed step child left out in the rain, only to be adorned by few. Words that escaped from the fingers of passionate people- people fiery enough to know they'll probably never make money but do whatever the hell they want. Those are the people I want to hear from, crazy asses that have good ideas, good shit to say.

My smart friend said “People don't read poetry. People watch Netflix." I thought yeah.. people suck.

I hear all the time people don't understand, too wordy, or not so easily comprehended.

What I have to say to that is if it's truly not understandible it's probably supposed to be that way. I don't think poetry is meant to draw a clear picture and say “here's the message you should have learned", it's meant to pull something out of you thats lodged inside. Art is the representation of the unrepresentable and perhaps poetry does this better than any other artform. You don't know why it moves you but it does- some word is said that strikes a chord and you have a feeling that has no singular name but only the exact words that poet just wrote for you.

I recently found myself reading poetry in the Library and I actually started crying, that's poetry in action.

Yes, it takes more effort to read poetry than to lay empty mindedly on the couch watching your show but I think its well worth it; better to feel your humanity than to ignore it.

Poetry is a dying art that deserves a little more loving.

A poet I have grown to look up to and admire is Janne Robinson, a badass woman who is as gruff as she is lovely. I have a big girl crush. I don't remember how I came across her but I read her work on her website keep up with her on Instagram, she's the shit and writes pretty words. So, here's some a taste tester of her work, you're welcome:

The Hunger Pains of Love

Tug goes my heart.

Brinking on vulnerability

I duck out of the way

Left, left,

You swing sweetly but carelessly

If there is no right hook

Save your swings

For I know empty

And I will meet them with ducks

Till I can feel you all the way in them

Make contact with my heart, darling.

I want to be hooked

Hooked so hard that we can't get up

This is the only way to go

Surface for coffee, for sweaty kisses

thunder growls and lightening showers

I want to feel the hunger pains of love

I would like to be with you

But not so close that you hear every word that falls from my mouth

See each flick and dance of my body

Just close enough that we can feel our hearts beating

For what moment is sweeter than the present?


Halt shouts the heart to my brain

Let your heart, the ID, the go—roll.

Are you rolling?

I'm rolling, are you with me?

Let the sunshine wash away the salt

Let the wind, the ground take it

It can take it

Denim crunched with salt

Salsa kisses

Samba sways

You've dunked my heart so sweetly

Lets just fall away

Fall where, darling?

Oh, does it really matter

Just come here

Drown with me in nothingness

In careless, sweet, nothingness

But I want something I stutter
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