I went through a loss, but not a loss that people were sending me their condolences, or even checking in on me for.
I lost my best friend, my other half, my person. She is still very much alive and out living her life. I lost her as a sister, friend, and partner in crime.
No one ever truly prepares you for a loss like that. Throughout middle and high school my friends and I were faced with breakups with stupid boys, and friends that were in and out.
The break up that tore my heart apart, and still hurts though, was from my best friend.
The history, the memories, the inside jokes are what kills me.
We had such good times, but the bad times started to outweigh the good times.
The fun times and laughter started to fade away.
Now all I get are reminders on my time hop, or when people ask how she is.
I miss the good times, I miss the jam sessions, and I miss her family.
Losing your best friend is not easy, and honestly probably harder then any break up you could go through.
There are so many things that remind me of our friendship, or the things we used to do. There are so many stories and things that only she knows, but now that's all gone.
We are growing and moving on, but it still hurts like our break up just happened yesterday.