Losing, at this point, has become a staple of your life. It's how you let it affect you that defines you as a person. Are you the kind of person that gets beaten down to your knees and can't get back on your own? Or are you the kind of person that just rolls with the punches?
By the time you're a 20-something year old, you have definitely lost something. Maybe you lost yourself. You lost your family, a friend, a classmate. Maybe it's something as small as a failure on your test. But it's taking losing as a lesson rather than a failure that helps you grow as a person.
I know what you're feeling. You want to lock yourself in your room and not come out for a week or so. You just want to lay on your bed and stare at the ceiling for a while because nothing in your life has gone right lately. You want to give up. You want nothing to do with whats going through your head: tough thoughts, bad thoughts, sad thoughts. The voice in your head is saying no over and over and over again. This is when you begin to search deeper within yourself to find the light; to overcome everything that has gone on in front of you.
It's the people that overcome the losses that become successful. It's the people that roll with the punches that grow stronger. One of the best quotes I can present to you is that minor setbacks lead to greater comebacks. You don't want to be known as the person that gave up everything that was going on their side because one thing went the wrong direction.
You'll fail some tests. You'll lose a family member. You'll lose your best friend over something stupid that you wish you could take back. Everything won't go as planned. You'll get a phone call that will make you feel empty inside, tying your stomach in a knot. You'll sit somewhere wondering why everything has gone down hill. You'll have something right on the edge of your fingertips all of a sudden disappear right before your eyes.
The thing is, our human nature when it comes to losing should turn into wanting to win more. Sometimes you'll have to forget that voice in your head and listen to what your gut instinct is telling you. Everything in this world, everything you could ever dream of, is there for your taking.
The clock is ticking. You have no time to waste. It's time to roll with the punches and stand up for the eighth time when you've been knocked down seven.