If you've opened the link to read this article, I demand you to read the entire thing. I'm assuming you are going through the same thing I once did–the desire to have the perfect body because that's how we have the perfect life, right? I struggled with this concept for four years and lost who I was along the way. I used to count every little calorie, buy all-natural supplements that have shown weight loss results, let people walk all over me, spend ridiculous amounts of money on makeup. I wanted it all and now it's time to share the truth.
First, if you really want that perfect body, learn to love yourself. This is the most important factor because you will never be the prettiest or skinniest and you most certainly won't ever get those "body goals." So instead of hating and torturing yourself, love that body you stare at in the mirror.
Chill with counting calories. You need to eat some food because that little protein shake won't help you. You can't starve yourself and then workout for hours–you're torturing your body. It's the only body and only life you have so you might as well treat it with love.
A scale shouldn't alter your mood. This aspect effected me so much, I was always embarrassed about the number that appeared and how others will perceive me because of it. It took forever, but I learned how to not judge my body based on a number.
Lastly, drop everyone who makes you feel insecure and worthless. I don't care if it's your best friend since you were 5 years old and I don't care if it's the boy you like. Whatever type of relationship it is, if it makes you stress more than smile, cut the ties now. Nobody should deal with the stress of people who make you feel so bad about yourself.
If you really want a perfect body, accept the one you have and love it with everything you got. Stop letting people treat you like shit, stop letting a mirror impact your mood for the day. Just do you, remain a boss ass bitch, and keep slaying.