I have seen so much hate, violence, and anger throughout the globe. For far too long, there has been a division of this country that will one day soon be the ultimate downfall for all of us. In times where I have no humanly idea where to turn, I have a Heavenly Father to turn to.
I humbly come before you to ask for your guidance. There is so much animosity and so much uncertainty surrounding me, I feel lost. Lord you are the only beacon of light for me to turn to.
I pray for this country, Lord. The country where my roots are planted and my children's futures will one day live. I am scared for this country. Lord guide the minds and the hearts of the new leaders of this country and help them to follow you.
For those who don't know you, fill their air with your presence. Make it known that ultimately, you are the one in control. I pray you would get rid of this divide between your people. Allow us to see each other in a brighter light and walk hand-in-hand to a better future.
God I ask you to humble those who hold too much pride and to bestow confidence upon those who lack it. I pray the wrong would step down and the righteous be brought to the forefront. I pray for your mercy on the wrongdoings of your people.
I pray for peace and well-being among your people. I pray for peace for the poor, the hungry, the needy, the homeless, the beaten, the abused, the wronged, the outcasts, the unwanted, the ones who feel that there is no hope, no tomorrow to look forward to. Lord place your hand on the people of this world and comfort the worried.
God, what is to be done will be done. I pray that you continue to give faith to those who may have lost it after so many months of anxiety and unrest. Lord guide this country to the greatness you have in store for it. Guide our leaders to the vessels for your grace. Bring righteousness to a country that has been torn apart and to a world with no clear direction. Bring light to this darkness, Lord.
In Jesus' name I pray,