Dear Negative Nancy,
Attitude is everything. Your present actions are affecting your future. The more things you find to moan and groan about, the less satisfying your life will be. This negative attitude causes you to think poorly about yourself, others, and the environment. It’s causing you to feel powerless and hopeless. With a negative mindset, life is more challenging and makes it more difficult to achieve success. If you are living day by day angry and upset with everyone, then you are wasting away your days, your life is shortening. Don’t waste your time and energy in a negative light. Live, and I mean really live, days that are happy and fulfilling. These are the days you lay in bed at night and experience indescribable feelings. You think about how great of a day you had laughing and enjoying life for what it is. When you let the negative emotions overtake your life, it is difficult to see the great things life has to offer.
It’s crazy how simple it is to change your negative attitude and the great impact it will have in your life. This change can open so many new doors. A negative attitude can be changed by merely looking at the outcome of where the negative attitude got you. Many of us can agree that it has gotten us nowhere. For example; when you have an upcoming exam two days away and you have yet to study for it, saying over and over this is too hard I’m going to fail will not help you pass the test. In fact you are more likely to fail because that is what you’re telling yourself. By changing your mindset to; “I can do this” it will make all the difference. A positive attitude will change your life dramatically. It will help you look at the brighter side of life and you’ll start expecting the best out of every situation. You will feel happier and will be healthier!
With a positive attitude, instead of expecting failure you will expect success. You don’t see successful athletes or business men and women getting to where they are by giving up. No, they wake up every morning with the mindset that failure is not an option. They have a goal and they keep pursuing and learning from the small bumps in the road. The positive attitude inspires and motivates them to keep pushing.
“Our attitude toward life determines life’s attitude towards us.”
-John N. Mitchell
Negative Nancy, all I am saying is life is a choice. If you think positive, then good things will happen. You choose your own happiness. A person with a positive attitude is more likely to be happy and that draws people in. Nobody wants to be the friend that drags down the mood so why should it be you? The next time somebody is making you upset or angry, think about how little the situation is compared to everything else going on in the world. If you think once a day about how you appreciate the ability to be alive, then life will smile back at you.
Positive Pete
P.S. Never let the word “can’t” be in your vocabulary.