Finding a job is a difficult thing, but finding a job in the summer can be even more difficult. College students are out of school and looking for jobs. So each college kid looks anywhere that there is a job opening. Even if it is not the best job in the world.
There are tons of jobs for students over the summer for college students. There are office jobs, like a secretary; restaurant jobs like a waiter or host, or a fast food restaurant like McDonald's or Burger King; or summer camps.
If someone has a fantastic resume they could get a job no problem, but if someone doesn’t have the greatest resume they might not get a job right away.
College students have an easier time because they are out of school and don’t have much to do over the summer. Summer camps would be the best summer job because the employees get to be outside all day and they can play with children.
Although there are tons of jobs for college kids to do, all college kids are trying to find a job and they may get passed up for another college kid, or just by another person who is not in college. It is also hard because employers want someone with experience and if you have never worked before it could be difficult to get a job.
All college kids want a job so they can have money for the summer. For food, hanging out with friends, gas or to just have it just it incase of an emergency or safety money. When college students are home for the summer they can only work a limited amount of time because eventually they will have to go back to school and won’t be able to work, or work as often as they did.
Job interviews can also be difficult because they need to be able to make a good first impression on the interviewer. They have to be polite, assertive and be positive. They can not be negative or grumpy. Making a bad impression will not get them the job.
For college kids it could go either way because some may really need or want a job so they will be polite and smile. Others may not be that enthusiastic about getting a job so they would not be polite and smile when in a job interview.
Having a job over summer is a great thing because people can make money and they will do something that they like doing over their summer vacation. It could be difficult getting a job or finding the job that the person would like to have.
A job over the summer is a great opportunity because if one needs a job for the next summer they know that the spot maybe open for them and they can get good experiences for jobs later down the line.