The process of reflection, even in its simplest form, allows for anyone to realize the various instances in which they have experienced growth and change over time. With this in mind, it's certainly no secret that high school coming to an end is the perfect opportunity to see just how far you've come since freshman year. You may not have thought so when you entered the building on your first day as a ninth-grader, but as a senior about to graduate, I'm here to tell you that so much growing up (yes, way more than you think) happens throughout those four years. That being said, here's 15 pieces of advice that I would go back and give my freshman self on her first day of high school.
1. Teachers are not unapproachable immortals.
Hell, they’re actually just people. Furthermore, if you simply allow yourself to form a relationship with them, they can certainly teach you a lot about living in this world and become some of the most influential people in your life.
2. Being responsible is important, but you’re still only human.
Keeping on top of your obligations to the best of your ability is a definite yes, but when it comes down to it, your mental and physical well-being are more important than any assignment or deadline that any teacher could ever give you. Give yourself a well-deserved break sometimes.
3. Be involved, but not too involved.
Although doing things for others and being an active member of your school community when you can is quite rewarding, making time for yourself to “stare at a wall,” even if you think you don’t need it, is totally necessary.
4. Keep things in perspective.
Stressing all the small stuff, whether it pertains to schoolwork or otherwise, is a surefire way to turn oneself into a basket case. Relax…
5. Expect the unexpected.
People will often surprise you, in many ways, both good and bad. You'll watch friends become strangers and strangers become friends more often than you may think possible. But hey, if we’re being honest here, that's life.
6. When opportunity knocks, it’s a good idea to answer.
You’ll try to do things that you would never expect yourself to try to do. Some you’ll like and others you won’t, but regardless, they all play a part in helping you to find who you are. You’ll never be in a place quite like high school ever again; seize the opportunities that it has to offer.
7. Put yourself out there.
You know that “guy across the room” that you’re dying to talk to but don’t know how to approach? In regards to anything, person or otherwise, all I’m sayin’ is that you won’t know if you never try.
8. Join the club.
Do not, I repeat, do not wait until senior year to do anything school-related that seems even the slightest bit enjoyable to you. You’ll surely regret it, especially when it ends up becoming one of your favorite things about school.
9. Fully embrace the things that you enjoy.
Be passionate about what you love to do with no holds barred. Frankly, it really doesn’t matter what other people around you think, say, or do.
10. Keep an open mind.
High school is much like a melting pot. Regardless of whether or not you agree with them, learn to appreciate the ideas, beliefs and viewpoints of others, even if for nothing more than the fact that they will teach you a lesson in the importance of tolerance and open-mindedness.
11. You will mess up, and that’s okay.
Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes or failures. Even if it’s not obvious at the time, these instances will turn out to be some of the greatest learning moments of your life.
12. Form your own opinions.
As long as you’re respectful, you’re allowed to have views of the world that go against what your peers or even adults around you may believe. It could be as simple as you loving a teacher that everyone else in school hates, but regardless, you have to grow up and think for yourself at some point.
13. Go ahead. Live a little.
Cutting class once or twice may disappoint someone, but when it comes down to it, I promise it won't hurt you.
Don't get so lost in the process of school to the point that you forget how to let loose when you need it.14. Be you.
You don't have any such obligation as to be the best anything in your entire school or your entire class. However, being the best version of you at all times works in your favor like nothing else.
And Most Importantly...
15. Time sure does fly.
Four years of your life can (and will) pass you by so much faster than you'd ever imagine. Pretty soon, those final days will come upon you. Before you know it, you'll be planning those goodbyes, writing the graduation invitations, meeting potential roommates, and planning the layout of your dorm room. Savor your time, and downright live in every high school moment while you can.