Every year, around 53 million people die. Despite us carrying on with our lives, someone dies every day.
While it's a sad thing to think about, it's important to try and understand just how many people that died could have still been alive and well if only a few things were different; things that don't involve some major technological billion-dollar breakthrough that sounds like something out of science fiction. But, rather, things that can be practiced every day by just about anyone.
The reality is that many people die every year because of behavioral issues - that is, an unhealthy lifestyle is the number one killer of people around the world.
That's not to say that unhealthy necessarily means doing all those things that we were told not to do as kids, like eat too much junk food or smoke and do drugs. The number one killer of people is actually a combination of stress, lack of exercise, and eating too many meats and fatty foods.
Another major cause of death actually seems to be outside the control of dietary health: car accidents.