Look Towards The Light
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Look Towards The Light

When the going gets tough

Look Towards The Light

I recently flew home to visit my parents and my boyfriend for Halloween. I was sitting in the second-to-last row of a very small plane that was packed like my normal frozen yogurt cup. I happened to be sitting next to a very friendly woman who started a conversation with me. She told me how she was flying across the country for a special medical treatment. She had a unique type of aggressive cancer that she had been battling for four years. One treatment after the next looked as if it were working and then, out of nowhere, cancer had spread to a new location. She was optimistic about this newfound research that would hopefully put an end to this constant battle. My heart was heavy and as I began to tell her I would pray for her, the plane began to shake forcefully. I have been flying on my own since I was ten years old and I have been on planes with serious turbulence, but nothing like this. I have never been afraid on an airplane, but I gripped my seat and a cold sweat tickled my back. The clouds grew dark outside and I started to wish I hadn't chosen to sit by the window; I couldn't even see the wings anymore. Babies began to cry and scream, and the complimentary drinks with open lids began to splash on the floor.

As my knuckles were turning white, the woman next to me grabbed my hand and told me something I hadn't completely thought about until now: “Look to the light.” She told me to look up, towards the sun, past the dark clouds. The sun was clear as day above the storm. I instantly felt a wave of relief and my hands relaxed. She smiled and told me that her first surgeon told her to always look to the light. He told her to look to the light when treatment became tough, and when she thought she would lose hope. She laughed and continued to tell me that that phrase alone was the reason she believed she had survived four years of fighting; it was a life-saver. She was right.

Ever since we were born, light has been a beacon of hope. Light meant that you were alive, light made you feel safe from all the monsters that hid under your bed, and eventually light will hopefully mean that you're moving on to something better. The more you consider this tiny phrase, the more you will realize that it isn’t just about the light you can physically see. Light is simply a metaphor for the strength we seek in our daily lives.

In Faith

For some who live in an evil world where everything seems to be falling apart, nothing can provide more comfort than the ability to have peace and the ability to separate themselves from the darkness in their world. They may find peace in prayer or service. They may ask for guidance or just find comfort in talking to someone whom they know will always be listening.

In Family

There is a certain type of comfort in knowing that there are people who will love you no matter what; knowing that there are people who will always be there for you, stand by you, love you, and guide you. They are there to have that bed you can sleep in when you have a bad dream, or to be someone you can call when you're just feeling low. If your feet are exhausted from treading water and your arms have grown tired from all of the swimming, they will be there to support you or at least provide a flotation device when life makes you feel like you're sinking into the darkness. If ever, for one second, you forget how strong you are or you have trouble believing in yourself, you can trust that your family will be there, no matter the hour. They will encourage you and remind you as many times as necessary of the light you possess.

In Friendship

These people may not share the same genes, but they are still family. They are there for you during all the highs and lows; to make the highs a lot greater and the lows a lot shallower. They never allow you to dim your own light, and they allow you to borrow some of theirs if you lose track of your own. They see through all the darkness when you aren't able to. And they will never judge you for your heartache, grief, anguish, and self-doubt. When the world feels like it’s caving in, they give you a breath of fresh air and a glimmer of hope in the light to come.

In Love

Some will find it in their significant other. They are your partner. They recognize when you’re in the dark, and they feel it as much as you do. They don't mind coming to join you in the dark corner, and will actually come and sit with you for awhile. They stay by your side through all the darkness, hold your hand through it, and never let as much as a finger untie from their grip. They will encourage you, love you, and help you as much as they can. They know when they need to be tough on you, and they know when you just need someone to hug you tight. However long it takes, you will never face the darkness alone. Even if it's just going downstairs in the dark when you think you hear something, they have your back. They remind you of the light you possess. And most importantly, they love you just as much when you're stuck in the dark as when you're in the light.

Inner Self

Then there’s our inner light. This is the voice inside us that helps us get out of bed in the morning. This is the voice that tells you to keep going and to keep pushing yourself. This is the gut feeling that tells you that you're going to be alright and that you're a survivor. This is the light that can be so hard to find sometimes, but we can’t allow ourselves to forget about it.

So when the going gets tough, and you just feel surrounded by darkness, look towards the light. Whether it's a night light or the sunshine hitting your shoulders after a long winter, the light will always provide comfort. The light will help us survive the tough times and allow us to see what is great in our own lives.

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