This month there's going to be plenty to look at in the night’s sky. On November 5th you will be able to see Mars next to the moon. On November 11th there will be a meteor shower, followed by a super-duper moon on November 14th along with many other things (see linked article to learn more about these events). Its fairly rare to have so many things happening in such a short time span so all of you out there who are looking for something to do, look no further than the stars.
This could be your chance to bond with some friends, take that special someone out on a date, or even kick back with a beer and just gaze up at the vastness of the universe. Too often we forget to see the bigger picture in that we are just human beings on a not so big rock starring in the epic roles of our own small lives. Its time to break out of our habits, if not just for a night, and let another star shine (pun intended). You never know, you could end up liking looking up there and maybe turn it into your hobby. Perhaps you're an artist and you’ll get inspired or a writer who writes about what's beyond the stars. Or maybe you’re just some stressed out college student like me, who believes that maybe, if I think about what is out there, and just how big and beautiful it is, I can not only cope with my small, everyday stressors, but also find the beauty in the life I lead. So checkout whats going on this month, take a look up at the sky as you’re walking home, or simply search the sky for constellations. You don’t want to miss out, so you better start now!
LifestyleNov 06, 2016
Look Up at The Stars
Take a break from your life and experience some exciting night sky events.