Right now, outside of my window, I see gray skies, half naked trees, leaves blowing in the wind and cars chasing their routes home. I never knew the meaning that the outside world could have, but that is because I never looked into it like I am today. Each of those "outside world" characteristics has a different meaning to me.
Gray skies represent how I feel when I don't do anything. The gloominess of the sky shows the boringness of my life. Yes, it is good to take some time for yourself, here and there, and that is what I am doing today. I could not imagine doing this everyday. Sitting inside, watching a 16 hour and running "Law & Order: SVU" marathon, drinking caramel, pumpkin coffee and not doing my hair or makeup is a representation of "gray" to me. Today is gray.
The half naked trees show how our days are winding down and changing. The seasons are (trying to) changing and the year is coming closer to an end. The half naked trees are shedding their current skin in order to regain the strength they need to make it through the long cold days. It is beautiful how different aspects in nature change to regulate their lives.
The leaves blowing in the wind mean fall, and it is just that that gives me light. Fall is an amazing and beautiful season. The bold, crisp smell of the leaves, the smell of hot apple cider at every craft festival, the blanket scarves and knee-high boots at the pumpkin patch, and most of all, Friday night and Saturday afternoon football games all mean "fall." The leaves blowing around outside represent different qualities of the fan season.
Cars chasing their routes home are just people chasing their dreams. After a long day of work, the driver of the car cannot wait to get home, change and spend the rest of their day and night with their loved ones. Coming home after a long day is the best feeling. Having friends and family there to support you in your endeavors is great. Cars chasing their routes home are just people chasing their dreams of living a happy and successful life.
Do you get it? Outside is more than just nature. Read into it, different things have different meanings. The gloomy, gray skies, the half naked trees losing their color, leaves blowing in the wind and cars chasing their routes home are all representations of different aspects and qualities in my life.
Think about what your life means and what can represent those qualities to you. Take a breath from the chaos and do what you love. Show others that your life has meaning, even if it is only seen by yourself.