For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wondered what it TRULY meant to “look good, feel good”. How I’ve learned to interpret this phrase has evolved into the act of getting ready and looking presentable, leading to the direct result of happiness, which in some cases, is true. I must admit, confidence truly is key.
Yeah, I’ve had my fair share of good hair days and sure, I’ve thrown together some pretty cute outfits, but I’m not too sure why that’s supposed to mean I truly feel good.
Quick disclaimer, I definitely feel more appealing than my average-joe/hobo-self when I get ready, but you get what I’m trying to say.
Can’t I be genuinely happy, but wear a sweatshirt while doing so? Just because my eyebrows aren’t "on point", does that really translate to me not having my life together? Why can't my messy hair add character to the person that I portray myself to be? This is where I’ve stumbled. This is where, I think, the saying gets caught up in societies version of “feeling good” and gets confused with the importance of loving who you are.
“Feeling good” about yourself is something that really should come from within (cheesy, but I don’t care). Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely fighting this battle and I know a lot of people are fighting it with me, but I guess what I’m trying to say is that it’s so hard to keep up with stigmas and labels in today’s society, that this phrase has almost morphed into an insult.
What I’ve learned to think is: Who. Cares. No one is looking at you like you think they are. Quiet frankly, no one cares about what you’re doing at all; so in that case, rock that up-do. Wear those leggings to a party. Cover your greasy hair with a baseball cap. Go ahead and let the world judge the living hell out of you. It’s only going to waste the other person’s time and brain power and make you realize that strangers — and sometimes not strangers — really have nothing better to do than watch your confident-self do your thang. Empowering, huh?
I know, not as easy as it sounds.
But really, love yourself. Feel absolutely amazing about who you are as a person, and all the rest will follow. Do whatever will make you feel like you’re the best person to walk into the room and worst person to miss out on. Feel good and you WILL look better. Don’t let society confuse you with their improper junction of words and annoying ways of making you feel even the slightest bit less human.