15. Mike Posner will begin his walk across America | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

19 Things To Look Forward To In 2019

There's something for everyone.

Gabrielle Faletto
Gabrielle Faletto

Another year has gone by, which means it's time to get ready for another year filled with fascinating, significant events and celebrations that will shape 2019. Mark your calendars and let's begin.

1. The FIFA Women's World Cup

Taking place in June and July of 2019, the FIFA Women's World Cup is back! The matches will take place in France, the home of the Men's World Cup winners last year.

2. Another royal baby

You heard that right! Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are expecting their first baby. This means Prince George, Prince Louis, and Princess Charlotte will meet their first cousin in 2019.

3. 5 Eclipses

On January 20th, there will be a Total Lunar eclipse, also known as a "Super Blood Wolf Moon" eclipse due to its copper-orange-reddish color. Following this, there will be another Total Solar eclipse, exactly like the one in the U.S back in 2017. However, according to Forbes, it will not be visible from the U.S, along with the Partial Lunar eclipse and the Annular solar eclipse, unless you are in Africa, Europe, Asia or Indonesia. However, no worries. You can still witness the Transit of Mercury eclipse from the U.S in November.

4. The new "Lion King" movie

Coming to theaters in July, the photorealistic computer animated remake of Disney's 1994, "The Lion King" has already sparked viewers interest. Starring Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, Beyoncé and more, this film will not fail to disappoint.

5. Tesla Model Y

Including "falcon wing" doors, similar to the Model X, Tesla officials have been referring to the "Tesla Model Y" as a crossover all-electric vehicle. According to Electrek, we should see and be able to reserve Tesla's upcoming crossover, Model Y, at some point in 2019.

6. 5g Network technology

During 2019, the transition from 4g network to the new fifth-generation cellular network, known as 5g, will affect how you use smartphones and other devices. However, The New York Times states that this is not just about faster smartphones. The transition will also affect many other kinds of devices, including robots, security cameras, and drones, just to name a few.

7. A museum dedicated to dogs

This coming February, the AKC Museum of the Dog will finally return to NYC after 32 years of being gone. The museum will include several hundred paintings, drawings, watercolors, porcelain figurines, interactive displays, all depicting dogs throughout various ages. The best part is, Gothamist confirmed that the first exhibit will be named "For the Love of All Things Dog."

8. New fashion trends

As always, 2019 will offer new fashion trends. Glamour has put together a list of 10 things we'll *all* be wearing in 2019. Oversized hats, tie-dye, summer waterproofs, fringe, neon, sequins, oh my! Which look do you think will triumph?

9. Podcasts will expand as a medium for entertainment/news

In the past year, podcasts have grown to be very popular, and it seems to be only on the rise. What's the reasoning behind this? After all, podcasts aren't new. They've been around for a while, along with audiobooks and similar listening formats. With the increasing screen time teenagers and young adults spend on their phones, tablets, etc., podcasts represent a refreshing alternative, along with incredibly low production value.

10. Elon Musk's SpaceX will begin test flights

After CNBC's interview with Morgan Stanley, where she stated 2019 could "be the year for space," it got me interested. Elon Musk's SpaceX is only a few weeks away from the first of two test fights. With that in mind, SpaceX is set to become the first to launch U.S astronauts from U.S. soil since 2011. So if it all plays out well, it will be an exciting year for sure.

11. The Statue of Liberty museum

If your planning a trip to the big apple, or are already in close quarters, you aren't going to want to miss this. In May of 2019, a new museum will open of the Statue of Liberty, featuring displays on how it was constructed, along with an up-close view of the torch. It's safe to say the museum will allow visitors to enjoy the statue experience and be inspired by her history and message of freedom and opportunity, thanks to the Libertyellisfoundation.

12. "Game of Thrones" season 8

For all of those "Game of Thrones" fanatics, 2019 will be your year! Coming from someone who does not watch Game of Thrones, I know by the time April rolls around, many will tune in to see how season 8 will play out.

13. Hollywood will continue to produce movies with diverse casts

Award-winning films such as "Crazy Rich Asians" and "Black Panther" took 2018 to the next level. The box-office successes proved that movies directed by and starring more diverse casts can have a broad appeal, creating a bright future in the film industry for 2019.

14. The Grand Canyon will "turn" 100 years old

Of course, the Grand Canyon has been around for more than six million years, but 2019 marks its 100th birthday as a national park. For anyone visiting the Grand Canyon this year, you're in luck! The National Park Service has a year of celebrations planned, making your trip that much more worthwhile.

15. Mike Posner will begin his walk across America

After coming across this video on Youtube, I couldn't resist including it in this list. Maybe it's the fact that it made my mom cry or maybe it's just because it's a must-see inspirational video that will encourage you to conquer 2019.

16. 3-D printers will become more popular

Get ready for 2019 to be the year 3D printing becomes mainstream. There will be 3D bioprinting in the medical field, advanced metal printing, and more accessible 3D printers for home use. The future is here. But that is not all. 3dprintingprogress is saying we can look forward to sending 3D bioprinters to space this spring.

17. New music

As 2019 begins, we can look forward to new music and new rising artists. I love looking back at years past and seeing songs/artists that were popular. However, for now, all we can do is wait for the next song to take the world by storm.

18. Gas prices will continue to fall

According to a tweet President Trump posted on the 1st of January, the future of gas prices will continue to fall. Forbes mentions how this is a bold statement, considering the price for gasoline closed 2018 at $2.24 per gallon, we can only remain hopeful.

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