It is almost here everyone. The time we have all been waiting for since fall semester started. It is almost summertime! Time for relaxation and a school-less lifestyle. Here is a list of 7 things you can look forward to getting you through the last few days of the semester.
1. Home cooked meals
No more dining hall meals. No more ramen or microwaveable meals. Back to the good stuff.
2. Your Bed
Nothing. Absolutely nothing beats the feeling of sleeping in your own bed after a year in a small dorm or apartment bed.
3. You don't have to pay for your own groceries.
Hand-in-hand with home cooked meals, this is something you just can't appreciate enough.
4. Not having to do your own laundry.
No more paying for washing and drying. No more doing it yourself. Finally, empty your hamper and throw your laundry in with the rest of the family's.
5. Seeing your pets.
Time to remind your pets that you still exist only to leave them again in a few months, so cherish your time with them.
6. No homework.
Unless you are taking summer classes, school work shouldn't even be a thought for the next two or three months.
7. Sleeping.
Goodnight everyone. Time for a three-month-long nap.