4. What will be different this year? A new coach calls for new opportunities. | The Odyssey Online
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6 Things To Look Forward To This Football Season

Forget about pumpkin spice and autumn leaves... At FSU, fall is all about tailgates and football season.

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We all know the deal- when the Fall semester starts at FSU, you clear your weekend calendars. Everyone knows Saturdays are game days. What makes FSU's football season better than every other college? Let me tell you a few reasons why we've always been the best, and what makes this year even better.

1. Tailgates

It doesn't matter if there is a home game, or away game, everyone comes out to party. Game starts at noon? Not a problem- tailgates start at 8am. Wake up early, get your mimosas poured, and start getting ready because it's going to be a long day. Be ready to put on your best garnet and gold outfit because you have to look good for those Instagram posts. Between bars, house parties, and fraternities everyone has somewhere to go before the game starts.

2. The game.

After tailgating with your friends, everyone migrates to the stadium. Entering Doak Campbell Stadium is breathtaking every time. You're surrounded by nearly 80,000 people, knowing everyone around you is supporting the same team. This sense of unity overcomes everyone as you cheer, chant, and celebrate together.

3. The after party.

It doesn't matter if you win or loose- it only matters if you had fun. At FSU, we take this saying in the most literal sense. No matter the outcome of the game, there's always an afterparty to celebrate a victory, or help ease the pain of losing. Luckily for us- we have a lot of wins to look forward to this year.

4. What will be different this year? A new coach calls for new opportunities. 

Willie Taggart is the New head coach for Florida State University. His first game will be Monday, September 3rd, against Virginia Tech. Having only four head coaches in the past 42 years, Taggart is embarking on a journey that very few have had the opportunity to do. At FSU, we not only respect our coaching staff, but demand commitment, as well as loyalty to our program. With a declining record, we have been in need of a change for a while, and Taggart appears to be the perfect solution. I know I'm looking forward to see what he does this season.

5. New coaches.

With getting a new head coach, it comes to no surprise that we essentially got an entire new coaching staff. Taggart brought in a team of brilliant coaches, from all over. In fact, the only coach that was not replaced was Coach Odell Haggins- who is remaining the Defensive Tackle Coach (the same position he has coached since 1994). Donte' Pimpleton, the new Running Backs Coach, Telly Lockette, the new Tight Ends Coach, and Raymond Woodie JR, the Linebackers Coach have all worked with Taggart Previously at USF and the University of Oregon. Walt Bell, the Quarterback Coach and Offensive Coordinator previously coached for Maryland. David Kelly, the Wide Receiver Coach, has experience from coaching for Duke, Georgia, Georgia Tech, LSU, and UCF. Greg Frey, the Offensive Line Coach, coached for FSU in 1993 when we won the National Championship, as well as coached for Michigan. Mark Snyder, the Defensive Ends Coach, and Harlon Barnett, the Defensive Coordinator and Defensive Backs Coach both came from Michigan State. Needless to say, there has been a lot of changes to our team for this upcoming year. With such brilliant staffing from so many various backgrounds, the opportunities are endless this season.

6. As always... GO NOLES

With so many changes this year, no one can be sure of the outcome. I feel confident that our new coaching staff will lead us to a great season. No matter what though, we know we're in for a good time!


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