My family and I were heading to the beach a couple weeks ago. Parking is usually an obstacle, but for some reason that day it was especially difficult. Basically, we had to wait in line for another car to leave the parking lot so that we could take their spot. A spot opened up right in front of us and we got so excited. We caught the attention of the person directing cars and pointed to the spot, ready for the go-ahead. She shook her head no and then directed for the car in line next to us to take it. We were bummed, and my very pregnant sister was definitely bummed. We assumed the next available parking spot would be one way in the back offering us a gruesome walk to the beach. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a car in the FRONT ROW pull out. I got her attention again, knowing that it was our turn to be parked next. They directed us to the spot and that's when it all hit me. I had just seen a whole lesson flash before my eyes in a parking lot. We so often take the first good thing that we see, not even aware of the much greater things God has in store for us. Michael Todd says it best, "you are marked" (quick plug: seriously go watch his marked series, it's incredible). Don't allow yourself to be blind to your purpose. Don't give your front row parking spot to somebody else because you are settling for the one right in front of you. He has immeasurably more in mind for you then you could ever have for yourself.
My church back home does a series called "playlist" every year (shout out to Freedom Church). They take a popular song and break it down to show us a message backed by scripture lying behind the songs we listen to (and yes they even perform it!). I love that they do this because somewhere, there is a non-believer that needs a popular song in order to truly hear what God is speaking to them. This past weekend I was able to visit and hear the message on the song "High Hopes" by Panic! at the Disco. Every time that song comes on the radio now I am reminded of God's plan for my life and His Truth.
My point behind both of these stories is that Jesus is everywhere. Generations before us are rooted in the belief that Jesus is only accessible on a pew or in front of an alter. That church can't be "fun" or a "good time". Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the Church and I believe in reading His Word. But I'm here to tell you that a relationship with Jesus is all-encompassing. We are not all spoken to the same way. Where Jesus speaks to you most is not going to be the same place he speaks to me most. Your worship may be traditional where as mine might be a Christian rap song. Jesus can be a parking lot. A popular song. A sunset on the beach. A late night conversation with a lonely friend. When you ask God to open your eyes, you start to see Him in even the most mundane parts of your life. Do not limit the Holy Spirit to a building. We cannot define who and what God can speak through, we don't have that kind of power. Today, look for Jesus. I promise you can find him in unexpected places.