Accepting People With Physical Limitations | The Odyssey Online
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If You Look Beyond What You See, You Might Learn So Much More

If you spend all your time judging people, how will you have any time to love them?

If You Look Beyond What You See, You Might Learn So Much More

Why does humanity find it so difficult to accept people with genetic differences? People downgrade individuals who were born with differences at birth. People make fun of and think of them less than who they actually are. People with genetic differences are human, just as you and I.

Many people in our society are uneducated on people who have physical or mental conditions that limit their movements, senses and or activities. Many people believe that being diverse in today's society is the worst thing you can be.

It is NOT.

In America, according to Statistic Annual Report, it is estimated that 48.9 million people have a functional or physical limitation. It has been reported that 53% of babies have been aborted due to information on prenatal testings, this number keeps increasing rapidly as well. Lastly, across the United States, 63% of people who have a limitation have dropped out of school due to not enough special resources for them and/or others bullying them.

Many people underestimate and assume the capabilities of the person with the challenges. They misconceive information because they jump straight to conclusions. They don't understand the disparity because they never encountered a person who was different than their usual.

Words hurt them, just as much as they hurt us.

They are no different than us. When you refer to them as ''disabled" or "special needs", they believe they cannot and will not overcome obstacles. Like it is impossible, and it might foster a sense of hopelessness.

I have personally met some of the most intellectual, kind-hearted, inspirational and amazing children and adults within the community. Each and every one of them is strong and independent in their own ways. Their abilities with what they can and can't achieve do not define them as who they are, it does not define their personalities and/or what they are capable of.

Their limitations should not be the only thing that defines them. It is what on the inside that really matters the most. They are way more than what you see on the outside.

They do not want to be pitied for what they have, they want to be treated with respect and equal like anyone else.

Being aware of facts is the most integral part of knowledge. I believe the knowledge of people with fundamental and physical limitations do not come from a textbook or online. I believe it comes with compassion to people who face these challenges every day.

Just like everyone else in the world, nobody likes being lumped into stereotypes.

In conclusion, becoming aware does not take an expert, but rather an open mind and a big heart. If you take a chance to explore the things you are not aware of, maybe your views on life will change. You might learn something and your world might change because of it.

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