2016 has been a wild year.
Much like Kylie Jenner, this has been my year of "realizing things." I've learned a lot in 2016. The people you think will never hurt you are the ones who hurt you the most and the most unlikely friendships turn out to be the best. Honestly, 2016 has been pretty great now that I'm sitting here thinking about all the good that has happened. I graduated from high school, finished my first semester of college with most of my sanity still intact and much more.
My family had a magical year. We welcomed new babies, had many engagements and made some great memories. My family is my rock and without them, I have no idea where I would be or who I would be. 2016 has brought us closer than ever. I couldn't have managed to get through this year without them. I don't tell them I love them as much as I should, I'll try to work on that during the new year.
This year taught me A LOT. More than I would've liked to have learned within short 12 months, but 2016 packed it all in. I'm so grateful with every curveball this year has thrown at me. They are all shaping me into a (hopefully) better person. So much has happened, good and bad. However, I've been trying not to dwell on the bad and reminiscence on the good. If you think about the bad too much you will never be able to move on from what happened.
Thank you 2016 for teaching me some important life lessons. It was tough, but we all managed. Hopefully, 2017 will be uneventful, knock on wood...
Happy New Year! May 2017 bless you all.