Lonzo Or Fultz? Who's Going Number One?
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Lonzo Or Fultz? Who's Going Number One?

Whoever goes number one will have a lot of pressure on their shoulders.

Lonzo Or Fultz? Who's Going Number One?
SB nation

Markelle Fultz or Lonzo Ball? It's the question that draft analysts have been pondering over for most of the last year. On one hand, you have a true point guard with a winning culture and the ability to lead his team to greatness. On the other hand, you have a generational talent with the ability to take over a game in an instant. So when it comes down to it, who should be picked first?

As of now, Markelle Fultz seems to be the frontrunner for going first overall. The main knock on him is his team's record. The Washington Huskies only had nine wins on the season compared to a whopping twenty-two losses. Fultz averaged nearly 24 points per game to go with six assists per game. He made college basketball his personal plaything and the scouts can see it. Along with that, he would be a perfect fit to go with the Celtics if they land the top pick. They currently have the best odds of nabbing it courtesy of the Brooklyn Nets pick. He would be a perfect fire off the bench for when Isaiah Thomas has to sit. Even more so, he's one of the more physically gifted point guards and has the ability to play defense with the best of them. He's been thought to be the number one ticket all year long and nothing's changed. His only real competition is Lonzo Ball.

Ball averaged 14 points per game to go along with an astounding seven assists per game and nearly willed the Bruins all the way to the final four. He's a true team leader and he makes everyone around him better. The main knock on him is his shot. The fact of the matter is, it's one of the ugliest shots in basketball and even though it works for him, the majority of his points do come in the paint. Besides that though, he's an above average defender with a knack for finding his teammates open. Some people compare him to Russel Westbrook, and we all know how he's doing this season.

As of now, the controversy over who goes number one is still minimal and it will continue to gain steam as time passes. One thing's for sure though, whoever is picked first, they'll have a bright future ahead of them.

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