When I was growing up, my dad always told me to go to college and get my degree. However, he said once I got married, there was absolutely nothing wrong with deciding to stay at home and raise a family.
This idea wasn't really something I was interested in at the time. I figured I would get married and have a family one day, but having kids wasn't really something that excited me. By the time high school came, I was set on having only one kid. I would only have a second if the first was super quiet.
My desires completely changed around my sophomore year of college. During the previous summer, I had found myself roped into working in the nursery during my church's Vacation Bible School. Before I could even respond, a baby was thrust into my arms. Over the course of that week, I fell in love with that sweet baby. I wanted nothing more than to hold her and love her and meet her every need. I soon found myself feeling the same way about all of the babies in the nursery.
When school came back into session, I willingly volunteered to work in a church's nursery once Sunday morning. As I sat on the floor comforting a crying little girl, my friend came up to me and said the words I will never forget: "Well, we all have spiritual gifts, and I found Taylor's."
It all hit me in that moment. God had taken something that I was indifferent about and made it my gift. He had made it my passion. He had made caring for kids one of my main desires. I wanted nothing more than to raise a family and show my children every day how much I loved them and how much the Lord loved them.
But then came the hard part. I couldn't just drop everything right then and start a family. I wasn't married. I wasn't prepared. The time hadn't come yet for me to pursue my passion.
But God is a good God, and He gave me other opportunities to care for children. I began working in childcare and helping parents I knew with their children. Still, I found my eyes drawn to the families I saw in restaurants. I would be fixated on the infants during church. I longed to have children of my own.
I still have that longing, and it sometimes seems unattainable now that I am single. I struggle to sit through classes about meteorology and educational technology when they have nothing to do with my aspiration to be a mother. I always say I wish there was a major for motherhood.
But my dad, once again, gave me advice amidst these struggles. He told me that once I do have children, they won't be in my house forever. They will eventually grow up and be able to live their lives independently. And then what will I do?
God has me where I am right now to prepare me for a future outside of motherhood. Once my kids are grown, He still has plans for me. He will still command me to share His Gospel and to work for His Kingdom. And those are his commands for me now. Rather than long for my future, I am called to be content and work to glorify Him right where I am.
And the same goes for you. Maybe you are in my position: single and waiting to begin a relationship that will lead to a family. Maybe you are married and just waiting to start your family. Maybe you are trying to have kids, but it just isn't working out for you right now.
Remember that God is a faithful and perfect God. He obviously has plans for you outside of parenthood and is just waiting to fulfill your desires in His perfect timing.
We have to fully surrender those desires to Him and let Him use us however he sees fit. Even if motherhood is a desire He has given you, He still doesn't want you to cling to it. He wants all of His children to fully serve Him with open hands.
So, seek His will for you where you are right now. Share His truth, and strive to live like Christ. And take full advantage of those opportunities He gives you to love on and serve kids.
He will be faithful to fulfill the desires He has given you. Pray for patience, and pray for His peace. And one day, when you hold your sweet baby in your arms, you will be able to truly appreciate that incredible gift from God.