It’s not exactly a new concept that we are far apart; but time doesn’t make it any easier. But we rock at this distance thing- and the miles between us haven’t changed the fact that you are, and always have been, my best friend.
Thanks for the childhood. For letting me play at your house every weekend, and swamp your home phone voicemail asking for a playdate.
Thanks for the firsts. The first boyfriend, the first time I got drunk, the first license, the first fancy birthday dinner. The first breakup, the first real move, the first semester of college. The first visit to my home which was no longer home, the first real friend. Thanks for sharing these firsts and many more with me.
Thank you for the time difference awareness. It's hard to remember that time zones are different, and what time it is for me. Thanks for making the time to talk to me when it works for me; even if it is at some weird hour.
Thank you for the Skype dates. Inevitably it's always a weird hour for one of us; but even just chatting while putting makeup on makes the distance feel much smaller.
Thank you for always supporting my decisions. Whether it was moving high-schools or even continents, never once has your support from me wavered.
Thank you for watching my Snapchat. If anyone overuses Snapchat; it's me. Thanks for tolerating me snapping you incessantly.
Thank you for still weighing in on my outfits and makeup. Telling me my eyeliner works well with what I'm wearing only helps me walk out of the house that little bit more happy (Even if it does take five snapchats in order for you to vote on what to wear.)
Thank you for not getting upset when I forget to reply. I've never been the best at communicating, and time zones have only made this worse. Whether I'm in class, at work, or sleeping, thanks for always being tolerant of me forgetting to reply, even if it means our conversations are long winded and take days to complete.
Thank you for reaching out as a result. If I forget to message you, you always message and ask for updates; proving not only that friendship is a two way street but that the little things are important. (Also; I'm sorry for the drunken phone calls.)
Thank you for the things I have forgotten about. When you have been friends as long as us, there are many moments forgotten throughout time. Thank you for all of those, even if they are nothing more than a distant memory.
Thank you for learning about my friends you don't even know. You've never met them, but you know who they are, and why they're in my life. You can name them, and even name a funny video I sent you about them or a story I told.
Thank you for remembering our inside jokes. Even if they're from more than ten years ago and we forgot why they were funny.
Thank you for always being there for me in a crisis. Both then, and even now. Nothing can compare to the advice you have given me; even if I didn't follow it. Thanks for being updated on my drama, and my life, as soon as possible.
Thank you for always being my cheerleader and number one supporter. I know sometimes you were watching from the sideline; but even then you never gave up on supporting me. To this day, I have never had to conquer anything without your support.
Thank you for never giving up on me. There were so many times that this would have been possible; but you never did.
Thank you in advance. Thank you for getting wine drunk with me at the bar. For ditching everyone for me when I do come to town. For planning months in advance for my arrival. For making the most of our time together, even if it is just watching youtube videos while laying in bed.
Thank you for everything that you do. I could do everything on this list with someone else; but it would still never compare to you. The distance doesn't make it easy, but we sure are rocking it.
I'd never want to constantly fight internet connection struggles with anyone other than you.