When searching for colleges no one ever knows where to start. In state, out of state, community college, or a huge state school. As the acceptance letters come in and your decision becomes closer and closer to final we start to think about how often and how we're going to get home. Whether it's a forty minute drive, or a three hour plane ride, we all make the best decision for ourselves.
One of the struggles with going to school far from home include the fifty pound weight limit on most airplane carriers. Not to mention the ten hour drive with a van full of "stuff" to move in. Then there's the very limited amount of times you actually get to go home. But overall, going to school far from home was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
By going to a school far from home I've had to figure out a lot of things for myself, which isn't a bad thing. I've become much more independent, getting my own necessities when I need, and managing my time. Overall, when selecting a school it shouldn't come down to distance from home although that is an important factor. When finally selecting you college of choice, pick a school based off the academics and how much it feels like "home" not how far it is from home.
An hour and a half plane ride and a two hour drive brings me back to my dream school and the best friends I've ever had. How do you get back to school?